
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Filling time

I've been home for three days... probably the loooongest three days of my life!

It has been a challenge to fill the time.

The OnlyChild and I got pedicures.

Pink for me; orange for the OnlyChild

I got my hair done. My poor hairdresser (a former student) had to listen to me rattle on about Italy for three hours.

I picked up my sewing machine (she was being cleaned while I was away) then went to the library with the OnlyChild. Afterwards, we had coffee at Starbucks and did a little shopping (yes, because I need to spend more money). I bought an Italian-English dictionary (gee, that would have come in handy two weeks ago - duh), a re-usable metal water bottle, a book for the OnlyChild and a dress. I need to put away my debit card before someone gets hurt (me, probably).

Bernice and I made another gathered clutch from Anna's tutorial. This one is for my friend Sandi and is made from fabric she bought me in Australia.

Funny story about this - I needed a black zipper to make this clutch but didn't have one so I decided to put off the project until another day. Instead, I started to alter a dress I made last summer (before I lost 15 lbs). In the process of altering the dress, I took out the zipper. Voila! A black zipper I could shorten and use in the clutch. Killed two birds with one stone (my apologies to bird lovers everywhere).

I haven't been sleeping well so I was up at five o'clock this morning. I took AbbyDog for a long walk in the River Valley... as soon as we got home, she went back to bed. I didn't.

I went to a WW meeting. Then spent some time with my friend Kim and her sweet girls.

Then to a coffee date with the other Italy trip chaperones to exchange photo disks and relive some memories (before we forget all the fun we had - as if).

Mr. P and I went out for Vietnamese noodles tonight. Most of mine came home in a box. Very good, but the serving was just too large. Dinner tomorrow night, perhaps.

At some point in the next few days (before I fly off again), I will have to do something productive. No hurry, though. I'm on vacation and just filling time while dreaming of this:

Ahhh... Sorrento. When will I see you again?


  1. Seems like you are relaxing and so you should....enjoy your summer!!

  2. Boy you are filling your days with fun fun sure deserve it after grading all those papers!

  3. Sounds like you are filling it up very nicely!!

  4. where are you flying off to this time? love your new header pictures

  5. When do you leave for Paris?

  6. What a summer! Sounds like you're livin' the life. Very cute clutch!!!

  7. i love this blog. i felt like we were sitting together just having a fun chat. your days sound great. full of wonderful things to do. enjoy you day and be a little silly. hugs, dogwood


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