
Friday, July 09, 2010

In search of David

Yeah, David...the naked Italian guy who lives at the Academia in Florence.

Couldn't find him though. Partly because my map-reading skills leave much to be desired and partly because the Academia was closed today due to a strike. How inconvenient.

What did we do today? We went to Pisa for the morning, toured the cathedral and baptistry, then wandered around taking touristy photos of each other holding up the Leaning Tower, bought tacky souvenirs, and got sunburned.

Then we went to Florence for the afternoon. The kids had some free time and quite a few of them climbed Il Duomo, the dome of the cathedral. I would have liked to, but I didn't have time. I went to the Palazzo Pitti and the Giardino di Boboli, then of course there was the hunt for David.

Next time, my little marble friend, next time.

P.S. It was 40 degrees in Florence this afternoon. That's 104 Fahrenheit. HOT!


  1. Dang! That IS hot! I hope your drinking your fluids! Sorry you missed David. Just gives you another excuse to visit Italy again someday. :)

  2. Enjoy that hot weather...if it gets too much just remember the cold Canadian winters! LOL

  3. So happy for you and your adventures!!!


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