
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Saluti da Italia!

Hello from Jesolo, just outside of Venice. The weather is hot and so are the Italian men... Haha... As if I'm looking.

After what seemed like a week of travel (an 8-hour flight to London, a 4-hour stopover in Heathrow, another 2-hour flight, and a 5-hour bus ride)' we got here last night, tired and bedraggled.

Today was a busy day sightseeing (and some shopping) in Venice. I wish we'd had more time there, but tomorrow we head to Florence.

The kids are behaving (for the most part), but i keep thinking how much more fun it would be without 30 little responsibilities. Oh well...

Sorry - no pictures. I wasn't able to pick up that special gadget for the iPad. I haven't taken many anyway. I still have 800 to scrapbook from last year's trip.

Internet is hard to come by here and expensive. 4.50 euro for 1 hour! I will try to post again in a couple of days. Until then, ciao!


  1. I'll only post this one comment so as not to eat up your internet time and will then NOT comment on future posts you make from there. I'm glad you arrived safely and hope for continued hot men but NOT hot weather for you!!! LOL

  2. It's HOT here in's okay to LOOK at HOT men!!! No touching :)
    Have a wonderful time!!!
    deb ;)

  3. Sounds like lots of fun. Wish I was with you. Enjoy....Dogwood

  4. wow, that was alot of traveling....but ohhhhh so worth it..

  5. Sounds like you're having a fantastic time! Can't wait to hear more about it!


  6. Try to have fun even with 30 little responsibilities.. that part I do not envy you!!
    Looking at Hot Fellas is okay it is the touching part that can get ya into trouble...;-)


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