
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Se promener sur le boulevard Saint-Michel

Today was a nice leisurely day. We didn't rush to get up and out of the apartment. We took our time with breakfast and getting ready and then took a nice stroll up the Boulevard Saint-Michel, which is very close to home.

It is a great shopping area, and there were lots of sales!

So of course we had to go in every store (almost). Sandi bought a dress and a pair of shoes. I'll show you what I bought in a minute.

We also stumbled on the Luxembourg Gardens and spent a couple of hours enjoying the scenery, the peace, the beauty of that area.

I am definitely going back there soon - with a book to read, a book to write in, and a picnic lunch!

There was a concert in the Gardens:

Do you see where the band is from? Denver, Colorado! We come all this way so we can listen to a North American concert band. haha.

Okay, here's what I bought today:

Isn't it pretty! I will love telling people, "I bought this in Paris!" Sandi made me brush my hair and put on real shoes before she took the photo ☺ Funny girl!

After supper (which I cooked - pat pat pat on the back for me), we went for a nice walk around Notre Dame.

This café is right around the corner from the apartment. Cocktails and Dreams - awesome!

We were also seeking Sandi's next crêpe. The chosen flavour tonight was Caramel, which follows two Nutella and one Sugar & Cinnamon. Yes, we are keeping track. And critiquing.

We like to plan the next day each evening and tomorrow, because we have a noon appointment with the apartment manager, we will have to stick around this area in the morning. So, we've decided to go to Notre Dame Cathedral.

There's also some good shopping in this area. Oh no! Until today, the only money I'd spent was on admissions (to the D'Orsay and the Eiffel Tower), food, and the taxi from the airport. I fear the "seal" has been broken...

I will try to resist.


  1. Resistance is futile! Go with your heart -- your new dress is beautiful -- well done! Have you had a crepe yet or is Sandi doing all the eating? How on earth can you resist???

  2. The dress is beautiful!!! Thank goodness Sandi had sense enough to make you fix your hair and put on suitable shoes. The dress wouldn't have look quite right with your hair sticking out all over the place and with you in barefeet! LOL I am really enjoying reading about your adventures and seeing the lovely photos. Keep it going, okay?

  3. how awesome for you, how long are you there for?

  4. The dress is gorgeous! You look wonderful in it. Have fun on your shopping adventures!

  5. The dress is so you! What a a lovely day you had! Sounds like your dream trip is working out just fine.
    I am loving the pics ..thanks!!

  6. Your pictures are just lovely....and what a beautiful dress...good taste.

  7. LOVE your dress your look tres belle!

    What a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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