
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Au revoir, Paris!

Ceci est mon dernier annonce de Paris. Demain, nous allons prendre l'avion et rentrer au Canada. Il sera difficile de dire au revoir.

Today was a day of cleaning and making sure everything was in order at the apartment before we hand back over the keys and lock up for the last time. We swept and scrubbed and polished. The place looks better now than when we arrived.

But it was not all hard work on our last day. We treated ourselves this evening to dinner at Le Procope, one of the oldest cafés in Paris

and then to a cruise on the Seine.

It was still light out when we boarded the boat at 8:30, but by the time we left a half-hour later, it was night-time. As you know, my camera takes awful photos in the dark. The pictures of the Eiffel Tower were the only ones that turned out well, probably because of all the lights.

So... goodbye, Paris. Goodbye Seine. Goodbye, little apartment on rue Xavier Privas.

Je vais vous manquer, mais je vais revenir un jour.

Bonjour à domicile à Edmonton. J'ai hâte de vous voir demain.


  1. What a summer you have had! Wowee...

  2. I can't believe how fast the time flew during your Paris trip. Thanks for all the great photos and posts along the way. I'm sure it's the only way I'll ever "tour" Paris!

  3. Thanks for taking me along on your trip through your blog. I enjoyed the vacation vicariously! Safe trip home! I am sure your family will be happy to see you.

  4. Thanks again for sharing Paris with us.Safe trip home. I'm sure it will feel good to sleep in your own bed and kiss your family hello, human and furry kind.

  5. *sniffle, sniffle* is it really over, then?

  6. Thank you Rachel, for sharing your Paris adventures with us all. I'm sure you are sad to leave but am sure your family is excited that you are on your way home!

  7. Safe travels home!
    I have enjoyed your sharing some of your trip with us!!

  8. Au Revoir -- hey look, I've learned some french from your blog. I can't believe it's over -- safe travels home!

  9. did you know you are a "no-reply" blogger? I don't think it used to be like that. I can't reply back. Thanks for the b-day wishes.

  10. now you are home and you FORGET about us here with no posts in so many days??? We were so faithful to you on the trip and now you dump us??? LOL (I know you are busy, but I had to tease you!!!)


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