
Sunday, August 08, 2010

Market day

This morning we hopped on the Métro (our favourite mode of transportation after les pieds) and headed to the Port de Vavnes market. I made Sandi get up early because I was convinced that if we didn't arrive by 8:30 am, there would be nothing good left.

We need not have worried. That place was a treasure trove of étoffe et truc.

Although Vanves is supposed to be one of the smaller markets in Paris, it covered quite a spread. And the variety of objects for sale was amazing.

Lots of household goods and antiques (les articles ménagers et les antiquités).

Furniture (les meubles).

Jewellery (les bijoux).

Art (it's the same word in French).

Vintage clothing and linens (vêtements vintage et linge de maison). Sandi really wanted that little costume above, but the vendor was asking 80€ for it and that wasn't even in bargaining range.

There were books (les livres).

Some interesting home decor items (articles de décoration intérieure).

Kitsch (no French translation).

Junk (jonque or bric-a-brac).

Toys (jouets) - lots and lots of toys.

Oh, be still my heart! Une machine à coudre. But it wouldn't fit in my suitcase, would it?

Maybe I just need a bigger suitcase...

And I met a new friend.

But you want to know what I bought, don't you?

Well, after much deliberation, I spent a whopping 10€ on...

Buttons (les boutons).

Yeah, I'm weird. I passed up the vintage linens, the 1950s posters, and the newspaper front pages from 1925 for two bags of buttons. I'm very happy with my purchase.

After lunch, we met up with Sandi's friends from New Zealand who have been travelling around Europe by train. We were supposed to meet them yesterday, but the wires got crossed and it didn't happen. We had a nice coffee date, then this evening we all went out for supper in the Montmartre area where they are staying.

Sandi and I have both been a little under the weather for the past couple of days. We are both coughing and hacking and, therefore, not sleeping well so we will try to take it easy for a bit. Tomorrow we plan to go to the Louvre (I can't believe we haven't been already!) but we'll have to go early and, honestly, if I feel as bad tomorrow morning as I did this morning, I may skip it and go Wednesday instead (it's not open on Tuesdays). It's no good being sick on vacation; I'm just thankful we're here for another 2 weeks so we don't have to cram all our activities in to a few days.

Demain est un autre jour qui apportera de nouvelles aventures.


  1. Hi Rachel,
    Awesome buttons :) I think it would be very hard to decide on what to bring home..although that little Jack Russell would be sweet to take home.
    Sure hope you feel better tomorrow and you have another 2 weeks!!!
    Deb :)

  2. oh wow...lots of wonderful stuff but I think I would have chosen the buttons as well.

  3. Seems like a lovely day at the market and meeting up with friends! So sorry to hear you're both not up to par, get some rest and feel better soon (bound to happen when traveling). Looking forward to the Louvre!

  4. Those buttons are great! I can see them on a quilting project somewhere down the line... Hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Sorry you are still feeling ill. I like those bags of buttons AND I like that now I can speak French...well, at least ONE word......ART!!! :) I did, however, understand in the first sentence that you were talking about FEET when you mentioned one of your favorite modes of transportation, so I guess I'm not totally hopeless with French....LOL

  6. Oh no -- sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope things are looking better today. And be still your heart indeed -- I'd love that machine à coudre too -- wouldn't THAT be a fabulous souvenir???

  7. What a wonderful market! So much to see. I would have shipped that Singer home!

  8. A girl after my own heart... as I was looking at your pictures I was wondering if there were buttons and just look what you bought! Ha!

  9. That market looks wonderful. Nice buttons! I would have gone crazy for the books and postcards and linens.

  10. What a fun looking market! The buttons were definitely a good choice.


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