
Saturday, October 16, 2010


I totally forgot about the Friday Night Sew-In, as usual, but by coincidence I was sewing last night anyway.

And then I went on Heidi's blog and I remembered.

I was, for once, doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing.

I sewed some scrappy flannel blocks for a baby quilt.

And look - I even have made a pattern for it.

Hope it turns out okay. I've already taken these pieces apart once because I didn't like the look of what I was making.

Everything I do lately turns to poop (figuratively speaking, of course). I'm experimenting rather than following the rules and I don't do rule-breaking very well; it's not natural for me to go off the beaten path. Maybe I should stick to patterns after all.


  1. I like the pattern! You clever girl. I'm not one to think on my feet either. I signed up for the FNSI and I didn't get any sewing done. :( I just didn't have any motivation. But I have plans to do some sewing this evening and tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see your finished top!

  2. we are opposite, I break the looks good so far

  3. That pattern looks great. Reading your post made me wish I could quilt ... I would love to make a scrappy flannel baby quilt. It sounds so soft and cozy.

  4. You know, I should sketch out my plans. Of course, I probably wouldn't use what I sketched out because I'm not a pattern follower - the opposite of you, I guess. But maybe if it is my own pattern, I'd be more inclined to follow it. Who knows? Anyway, I'm headed to the post office today, and I realized I don't have your address. Or if I do, I have lost it. So, pass it along when you get a chance to I can get your giveaway winnings to you.

  5. looks great to me. colors are nice and varied. it is certainly OK to
    break some rules.

    enjoy your days!

  6. Well, it looks good. I hope you had good luck with it!

  7. Keep doing what you're doing. No pattern=more fun. I will have to try flannel sometime. It's getting to be a flannel time of year.


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