
Thursday, November 18, 2010


It's funny how I can be so productive sometimes, and get so much done...even especially when what I'm doing is not what I'm supposed to be doing.

Last night, after the Snow Monkeys sewing spree, I finished the binding on my table topper. It's machine-pieced and hand-quilted. And lest you think I'm simply awful at matching up seams and corners, let me explain that this was made completely out of already-pieced leftovers/mistakes from my Hometown quilt, which was the very first full-size quilt I ever finished. I didn't cut anything to fit perfectly; I just sewed together blocks that were already made (and meant to be put together in a different arrangement).

It looks nice on my dining room table and brightens up the room.

"18 Dream Escapes." One must dream, you know. Especially when this is the view from one's front door at six o'clock on a Thursday evening.

So, what should I work on next? Should I finish the Seed Scarf (only 7 rows to go)? Should I start something new? Or should I maybe...just maybe...get that darned paper written?


  1. that paper still haunting us????

  2. I taught my HS girls a new word, procrastination. I told them it was a 50 cent word, far above and and the, and to use it wisely.

    I like the quilted circles. It might work with the thing I am piecing in spare moments.

  3. Love your topper!
    Nice quilting.
    Oh my do what works for you I say...;-)

  4. Nice autumn colors in your table topper. Brrrr, I'm cold just looking at that photo. So what is your number one dream escape? I think I would simply like a couple week at home without a long list of chores and errands to do.

  5. That topper is so pretty! I say work some on your paper and then go back to sewing. :)

  6. Love the topper. Love the snow.

    Have a fun weekend.

    We may get a little snow in Grass Valley over our Thanksgiving weekend. Yipee.



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