
Monday, November 22, 2010

Sewing buddy

I was reading Thimbleanna's post tonight and I got to wondering...

Would I get more done if I had a sewing buddy?

Someone to talk to, laugh with,

to bounce ideas off...

I tend to do a lot of things alone. A LOT.

I go to yoga and dance classes alone. I walk the dogs alone. I (occasionally) go to coffee shops alone. I go shopping alone. I watch movies alone.

I sew alone.

Don't get me wrong, I'm usually okay with my own company. There are lots of people that I like, but I don't have a ton of friends, and my two really good friends who like to sew live 500 km and 5000 km away from me.

Ah well... I probably wouldn't get anything done at all if I had company. I'd talk too much!

Do you sew alone or with friends? What do you prefer?


  1. Awww. It is fun to sew with others, but I do have to say, I get more done when I sew alone. I was thinking the other day though...isn't the internet wonderful? People in the neighborhoods I live in never sew, but via the internet, I can find all my fabric loving "neighbors"!

  2. I wish I had friends to knit with, but just haven't made the effort to meet other knitters. I really enjoyed sitting around a big round table at my LYS knitting with a group of women the few times I did it. But I also like knitting alone ... it's so calming and peaceful. I agree with Anna, thank goodness for Internet friends1 I get so inspired by other people's blogs.

  3. I sew alone most of the time but get together with friends to sew a few times a month. We call our sewing nights QNIC--quilting night in Canada. We all like to bounce ideas off of each other and we all learn from each other. I also enjoy checking out other people's blogs for inspiration.

  4. I like a little of both. I tend to just "visit" if I sew with someone else. I'm better at staying focus if it's just me. But I understand what you are saying. If I lived closer, I would be your sewing buddy. :)

  5. I love to sew with friends. In fact, I find we keep each other going. I would love to sew with you, my friend... check your calendar for a "Sew-in" sometime after the Christmas holidays... somewhere out-of-the-way, with a tasty coffee shop nearby!


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