
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Frosty the Snowmen...and other weekend shenanigans

Another busy but productive weekend.

I finished the Snowflake Table Runner yesterday morning.

I love it! If I had a rectangular dining room table, I'd make another one for myself.

We put up our Christmas tree and added the **new** lights we bought Friday night. Here it is unadorned.

The ornament I bought in Paris was the first to go on the tree.

Then we filled up the tree with the rest of the family ornaments. As you can see, we don't do "theme" trees. It's a hodge-podge but every decoration has a story behind it.

I still have to make the OnlyChild's 2010 cross-stitched ornament. I wonder what she'll choose this year.

This afternoon, I baked a special treat to give to my students tomorrow.

I found this Melting Snowman design here and I've been wanting to try it for a long time. Since this is the last week before holidays (Hallelujah!), I thought I'd like to do something special.

So cute... and not as hard to make as they look (especially since I used a cake mix for the cupcakes... shhh... don't tell).

Other than that, my weekend was filled with laundry (lots of laundry), Christmas-card writing, a teeny bit of shopping this morning with Mr. P (including the grocery store - ugh), and some knitting. This is the kind of weekend I love!

Don't forget to pop by tomorrow and enter my giveaway for Giveaway Day!


  1. LOVE those cute melty cupcakes...I looked at the recipe and the cutesy part looks too hard for me....*sigh* You did a great job with them! My tree is all a hodge-podge of ornaments that all have some meaning for I doubt I'll ever do a themed tree.

  2. My tree is still sitting in its box in the storage area waiting for my banner piecing to get out of the way. At least, thanks to my blogging friends, I was moved far enough to make a runner for the table. Darling cupcakes!

  3. Wonderful tree - I like the hodge-podge look myself - so much more to look at! Well, and since I'm a scrap quilter, I'm sure that doesn't come as a big surprise. The snowmen are adorable, and the tablerunner is fabulous. Sounds like a wonderful, productive weekend!

  4. Your cupcakes are adorable...just love them, lucky students.

    Love your tree and runner!

  5. Your students are going to love the cupcakes! Sounds like you had a very productive weekend. Our tree is up but no lights and decorations yet. We will do that part when my daughter gets home from university later this week. Your tree looks great!

  6. Those cupcakes are sooooo cute! I'll have to send the recipe to my daughter. I'm sure my granddaughters and their friends will enjoy making and eating them. I think hodge-podge Christmas trees are the best. Each decoration brings back memories of family, friends, and travels. Merry Christmas! Sandy (quiltcats)

  7. What great cupcakes - found you through SMS and am a new follower - love your blog!

  8. What did you decide to knit? Oh my gosh, those melting snowmen are adorable and I bet they are delicious. I like hodge-podge trees, especially when every ornament has a story behind it. That's sweet you knit a cross-stitch ornament for your daughter every year-- what a special treasure and keepsake for her.

  9. Your table runner looks great! I think you should make a round one for your table. And those cupcakes! WAY too cute!!!

  10. Love these cupcakes...they are so cute. I'm sure the kids will love them

  11. Those cupcakes are sooo cute. Bet they went down well with the kids!

  12. How did I miss this post?? Table runner is fab! and the snowman cupcakes? cute and clever! I'm sure your students really enjoyed them. And my tree is just like yours. A little bit of everything. Just the way I like it.


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