
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Hello December!

I wasn't expecting you to arrive so quickly. I didn't even get to say goodbye to November.

December, you bring with you...

Short days and long nights... and bright lights.

Lots of snow... and lots of snowmen.

Big plans...and little projects.

Unfulfilled expectations... and new beginnings.

Cold weather... and warm woollies.

November is always a bit bleak, but December brings more promise, more hope, more warmth.

Happy December!


  1. Your home looks awesome! Cute owl :)
    So much to do in December! I need to get going on the ATC for this month...
    One day at a time!!!
    deb :)

  2. Ah...yes...the time is going fast...soon the halfway point of the school year (and the halfway point of the marking???) will be upon you!

  3. Sweet December. I love this month. I wish it lasted longer. Always comes and goes so fast! I will enjoy each day to its fullest.

    Hugs to you. Dogwood

    PS I LOVE LOVE your house!

  4. Nice work welcoming in December! It really does have lots to offer. I like that owl. I kinda wish I'd picked snowmen as our Dec. ATC theme, but oh well.

  5. Love those Christmas lights, please send outdoor light mojo! Great post -- especially the part about big plans and little projects. That happens to me every December!

  6. I'm not ready! But there's nothing I can do about it. Your post is giving me a bit of inspiration.

  7. I'm not quite ready for December - but, I do love it more and more!


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