
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

One Baby Quilt - Finished!

I can breathe a sigh of relief now. This quilt actually will be delivered to the recipient before he graduates from high school.

Kidding... he's only a few weeks old.

Still, though, it took me far too long to finish this quilt. Two months for a baby quilt? Ridiculous!

I just need to pop it in the wash before it can be delivered.

Now onto other things. I have a couple of Christmas gifts still to finish then my project for over the holidays (fingers crossed I don't get a huge pile of marking like last year) is the Checkerboard quilt top that I finished in February, all spray-basted and ready to be quilted.

Please help...I have no idea how to quilt that one.


  1. Great going!
    I wouldn't say two months is "slow".

  2. WOOHOO!! Great job! Ummm... on the checkerboard... how about Xs through the squares? Or some of them? Alternating the pattern? I don't know. Just an idea.

  3. I love the scrappiness of the baby quilt!!! And I must say I really feel for you whenever you mention marking. I can remember Mom and Dad marking things when I was younger and sometimes the pile was soooo big. Happy Holidays. R

  4. are asking the wrong person here for ideas on how to quilt something!!! I'm sure you will do a good job, though. The baby quilt looks fabulous.

  5. Wonderful finish!! Now fly on down here and help me finish up some too! You will feel right at home we are FREEZ'N!!To warm up though to rain on Sunday ugh!
    Diagonal lines through all the sqs(consider the small 9patch as one sq) all across the quilt. Will look like diamonds and do the job!

  6. Darling quilt! Must feel good to have finished it. I would offer to help but ... I know nothing about quilting. Looks like you're in good hands though.

  7. Congratulations -- it looks great! I looked at the checkerboard quilt. (Love it!) I clicked over thinking the minute I saw it a quilting pattern would hit me. I got nuttin'. I can't wait to see what you figure out!

  8. My oh my! Your post almost has me in a frenzy! I, too, have a few quilts to finish and Christmas gifts to get started!!! ahhh!

    Great job on the quilt! It looks wonderful. :)

  9. I love your scrappy baby quilt. Two months is not slow at all, I think. Some of my projects are in the closet for a few years.

  10. Good for you! And give yourself a break - it takes me many many months to make a baby quilt - thank God that pregnancy lasts nine months!


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