
Friday, January 28, 2011

It's been a while

And I've been busy. Here's what's been going on while I've been absent from the Land of Blog:

* I've been marking government exams. You might recall I did this in June and last January (and numerous times before that). It makes my head hurt, but it's interesting work (sometimes) and they pay me extra to do it. More money = more fabric.

* I dropped my master's course. The professor had us doing "live" online sessions... not a problem if I lived in the same time zone, but these sessions were scheduled for times when I am teaching. There were other issues that I won't get into. I'm relieved, but at the same time I'm unhappy about this. I wanted to be finished the degree by summer and now I can't.

* I've done very little sewing this week. I did manage to quilt one block of my Green and White sampler.

This is called Pipe Maze. I started another block but my bobbin ran out part-way through and I was just too tired to refill it. Really - too tired! I went to bed with a movie on my laptop instead (and, of course, I fell asleep watching it).

* And, finally, I celebrated a birthday. Well, "celebrated" may not be the right word. My birthday is today. I marked. I came home. In a few minutes I'm going to drive the OnlyChild to her writing conference. I might go to the fabric store (that would be celebratory). Then I will come back home. I have to get up early again tomorrow for the final day of exam marking so it won't be a late night for me.

Last year's birthday was traumatic. I couldn't stop thinking of that dreaded number (ending with zero) for the entire year preceding it. This year... I actually forgot it was my birthday. Mr. P and I agreed to not exchange gifts this year too. My mother, on the other hand, sent me a wonderful birthday package. She got a copy of my grandmother's birth certificate and had it framed for me. She also sent me a book and tool for making pinwheel quilts and a beautiful pink scarf. Thanks, Mum! (I will be calling you tonight or tomorrow.)

Happy Weekend!


  1. Happy birthday! Bummer about the extra work, but at least it is almost over, right? Bummer about the class, too. And I'm right there with you about being too tired to refill the bobbin. I'm suffering from some severe quilt inertia these days. The good news is, I'm getting a lot of reading done...

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday.....

    One block at a time, that is all it takes to finish a your free motion.

  3. Happy Birthday.....i'm liking your green quilt

  4. Happy Birthday. While you're at the fabric store may you find a $20 bill in your pocket.

  5. Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Rachel! That quilt looks wonderful. I hope you've had a good birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Love the Pipe dreams quilt!!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day late...sorry)!!! I'm hopelessly behind on blogs while away on vacation. Love the quilting you are doing on that green/white quilt.

  8. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you enjoyed your day and didn't do too much marking. Your quilt is coming along beautifully.

  9. A belated Happy ya...

    Love the quilting on the quilt...

  10. Happy Birthday a day late and I'll tell you what my Mom would always say, "Just be thankful you have one"
    Love the pipe quilting on your green & white quilt.

  11. Hope you are having a fun and wonderful Birthday.
    I really love the green and white quilt.
    I hate it when the bobbins run out. Sometimes it seems like such a big deal to fill it up again.
    Hugs to you...Cory

  12. Happy Birthday! The extra work is something like hanging. It feels so good when it's all over.
    Sorry about the stupid professor's demands. I have had requests for communication from people who know nothing about time zones. I'm amazed how many are living in such a small world.

  13. Happy birthday, Rachel. Hope it was wonderful.

  14. Happy BD Rachel!! Sorry to be late on BD wishes. Hughes Net issues yet again! UGH!
    Your Green Quilt is coming right along.Quilting looks awesome! I need to put rest of my blocks together.
    You are busy for sure!


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