
Tuesday, January 04, 2011


I'm not yet buried under an avalanche of semester's-end marking but it's coming. As surely as the snow is coming down outside (and it's coming down!). My grade 12 students are going to figure out sometime in the next couple of days that their deadline for all coursework is Monday. And then the panic will begin. And then the frenzied marking will ensue.

However, since that hasn't yet happened, I decided to play around a little after work today.

I started Sandi's Season's of the Heart calendar quilt two years ago. I got 10 1/2 blocks finished... then I stalled. Tonight I made December's block, using a different pattern than she offered. (This one is from Wee Folk Art.)

I just have to do the stitching on November's block now. But I can't find it. It disappeared, probably around the time I cleaned my sewing room. I panicked for about 5 minutes, then I realized that it will show up someday...and that I have plenty of other things to keep me busy until then.

Like my Green and White Swap blocks. Another project started a long time ago. Last year in January, Pat organized this swap. Twelve participants chose block patterns from this site and cut fabrics for their chosen block x 12. We sent our baggies to Pat and she mailed everyone out the fixings for a quilt.

I got 6 blocks done right away (well, right away is a relative term). Now I have 8 out of the 12 done.

Hey, I could get all my unfinished projects done in 2011. I could...right?

I hope you did some playing today too!


  1. Yes you could!! Your off to a good start!

  2. I'm glad you are getting some extra play time, but hate that your 12th graders will soon be swamping you with papers that need to be marked quickly. *sigh*

  3. YOu can...I know you can....!!!

  4. I wanted to but I ended up taking the Christmas tree down. I have high hopes for the end of the week though!

  5. I like that December block. No playing for me today, things at work are so busy I haven't had time to slow down. Hopefully I'll get a little knitting done before bed.


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