
Saturday, January 15, 2011


Alternate post title: Third Time Lucky.

The process of paper-piecing, which was giving me so much grief these past few days, finally clicked. Last night I was able to make all seven trees needed for the Snowman in the Woods wallhanging.

And here they are, each one a little different from the others.

I'm so glad I decided to make the smaller size quilt instead of the full-size, 25-block version that required 20 trees. I think I would have gone a little crazy.

Now it's time to move onto the next step and put these blocks together. But, marking first. Always marking first...

p.s. This was my 400th post. And I missed my 2-year blogiversary on January 4. Milestones, I guess.


  1. I knew you would get it done!
    Great colors and design.
    You must feel good about your Victory!

  2. Your greens and blue look amazing. Glad you succeeded!

  3. That is awesome....and the best part, you didn't give up...must be the teacher in you.

  4. YAY....I knew you could do it. They look terrific!

  5. 400 posts... congrats!!! Love the snowflake fabric behind the trees.

  6. Your trees look great and congratulations on your 400th post!

  7. Congrats on 400 posts...and congrats on the paper piecing! Feels good when something clicks and you learn something new!

  8. Oh dear...when I read paper piecing I thought..hmm sounds familiar..then I saw the pieces of fabric and I remembered...that's what drives my mother bonkers!
    she's a not so much I piece words..hee hee
    Thank you for being my 1ooth follower!!!!!!!
    I would have thanked you sooner..but I have been dowm with some nasty stomach bug..can't seem to shake me..I would like to reward you for being my 100th! I would like to send you a goodie..if you want on that is..
    now carry on piecing

  9. They look good aren't ya glad ya stuck to it?

  10. Nawwww, only 2 years? It seems like you've been here forever -- well, forever in blog years LOL. Very cute blocks -- congratulations on taming the beast!

  11. Congrats on 400 posts and two years of blogging! Please enter me in your Snowman in the Woods wallhanging giveaway.

    hee hee.

  12. Hello! Wonderful trees! I love them! You have also so many other lovely patchworks! And...I love your dog even I have seen only her/his ears! Lovely photo!
    Wishes from Crete!


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