
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Waste not, want not

Sometimes a solution just presents itself to you...

That ugly peach fabric I bought for the Be Yourself quilt? It ended up in the backing!

That solved two lack of fabric for the back and what to do with a metre of garish peach cotton.

I pin-basted this baby after work today, on the classroom floor as usual, so it's ready to be quilted. Maybe this weekend...?

A couple of you commented on the name I chose for the quilt. "Be Yourself" comes from a quote by Oscar Wilde:

I thought it was fitting, given that this is for the OnlyChild who is most definitely herself, and noone else!

Fun stuff in the mail this week! I won a giveaway from Autum and she sent me a wonderful package, all dressed up in pink tissue paper with pink flowers. A scarf, a wooden "peace" egg, and two flowers. Isn't it all so sweet!

Today, Sew Me, Love Me arrived (that didn't take long). I'm hoping to make Popo Pig this weekend. So cute!

I'm off to bed. I don't know why I'm so tired but at 8 pm all I can think about is crawling under the nice warm covers with a good book and gently m e l t i n g off to sleep. G'night all!


  1. I just love that quote and the pink backing is perfect.

    Love all of you goodies, get some rest but don't melt too much....want to be able to find you in the morning.

  2. I, too, have been known to use wild or unwanted fabric for backing. In fact, that peach is pretty tame. Get a good rest.

  3. I love that quote -- for some reason I've noticed it in several places lately. That quilt is going to look great with the backing too -- don't you love it when things like that fall right in to place?

  4. I love that you basted your quilt on the classroom floor! haha! I have a pal who come over to use my floor to baste... ;-) what do your student think of that? heheh

  5. Great idea. You'll have it done in no time. I can't wait to see the piggie when you make it.

  6. Cute stuff from the give-away.
    It is Friday. I bet you are happy to have a weekend ahead of you.
    Have a good one.
    I will work on my challenging ATC for March next week.
    Hugs, Dogwood

  7. What a perfect quote I am passing it along to my kids. Great idea to use up a fabric that you may not be fond of. Hope you are well rested I look forward to seeing more of your projects. Enjoy your weekend!!!

  8. That is so funny, gal about the title of our posts."waste not want not" guess we were thinking the same thing, about the economy.

  9. I love your Be Yourself quilt, and the quote on the back is the perfect touch. I can't count the number of times I have axed a fabric for a quilt top only to find it was the perfect fit for a backing. The right backing really does make a quilt!


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