
Friday, March 25, 2011




1. not working or active; unemployed; doing nothing: idle workers.
2. not spent or filled with activity: idle hours.
3. not in use or operation; not kept busy: idle machinery.

Lucille has been idle (I blogged about Lindsay's giveaway from work yesterday).

Bernice has been idle (except for sewing a tear in my yoga mat bag last night).

My Lamb Mini has sat untouched since Sunday.

O'Cherries needs basting and quilting (and I need some inspiration on how to quilt it).

And my two jelly rolls await the day when they will become a Postage Stamp quilt. Jen of Miss Punkie Pie and I are going to do our own little quilt-along. We both wanted to participate in this project but didn't have the time when Rachel introduced it in January. We've decided to start in April (and keep each other motivated to finish).

I haven't been idle, however. Work, marking, kettlebells, yoga, sick for a couple of days. The week just flew by in such a rush that I didn't even notice.

And now it's Spring Break. Yipppeeeee!

(Well, it's a break, but no sign of Spring so far...)


  1. I hope you hae an awesome Spring Break...and that the idle will become work horses..

  2. So much to do and so little time.......seems like we all have the same problem. I hope you have a good spring break and do just what YOU want to do.

  3. Your quilt looks beautifully. Enjoy your Spring break! x

  4. Enjoy your break! I'll be ready to go when you get back!

  5. Have a wonderful Spring (?)Break.
    Maybe your snow will start melting.
    My daughter in Truckee CA have snow up to her roof. And, like your house it is two stories!
    They did some digging out yesterday.
    Have happy and fun dayd.

  6. Enjoy your break! Hope it means you will not idle!!


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