
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Tomorrow is Friday!

And that's not the only good thing happening:
  • the temperature has been above freezing all week so the snow has been steadily melting
  • I've been very busy, but in a good way: three kettlebells classes and two yoga classes this week but not too much marking
  • Mr. P is going to a hockey game and the OnlyChild is working tomorrow night so I will have a few hours of uninterrupted "me" time for sewing (maybe O'Cherries, maybe the Postage Stamp quilt...)
  • I have a special project to share with you so expect a tutorial this weekend ;) Here's a sneak peek...


Now I must put away the iPad and go to sleep so I'm well-rested for Fabulous Friday!

What are your weekend plans?


  1. You have tickled the curiosity button. Have a great day!

  2. Hope your day turns out just as you planned!!

  3. Oooh, special project? Can't wait to see what it is! :)

  4. Yipee it is Friday.
    I know you love your Fridays.
    I am loving those colored decorated eggs.
    Raining here.

  5. And today is Saturday! We are up to nothing special, having fun fun fun in and around the home in the sun and with bunches of Strawberries!
    Your blog is lovely, Rachel!
    Have a loveliest of weekends xx

  6. Oooh, can't wait to see what's up with those pretty eggs. I hope you had a wonderful Friday -- how on earth did it fly by so fast?


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