
Monday, May 23, 2011

A Dog's Life

I spent the long weekend with my friend, Kim.

After a five-hour drive from my city down to hers, I was greeted by this cute little face:

This is Kim's new puppy, Penny. She's a golden retriever-Brittany spaniel cross. What a sweetie!

Our plan for the weekend was to do some visiting, get lots of sewing/quilting done, finish our marking and have a girls' night out.

Visiting - Check
Sewing/quilting - Sort of
Marking - Not much
Girls' Night Out - Yep (got home after 2 am)

I was so ambitious and optimistic about my projects. I packed my sewing machine, my Postage Stamp quilt top, batting and backing, as well as the fabric and pattern for my skirt. What was I thinking?

I managed to piece together the backing for the Postage Stamp quilt. No basting, no quilting, no cutting out or sewing the skirt. I packed it up again and brought it all home with me.

Someday...someday I will get that quilt finished. Someday I will sew that skirt and then the dress.

But not tonight. I'm exhausted. The five-hour drive home was terrible - it rained the entire way and in some places it was raining so hard I could hardly see the road. Yuck.

Back to work tomorrow. I can almost see June on the horizon.


  1. Awww what a cute puppy!!
    Glad you had fun!!

  2. Sounds like you had a fun time.....

  3. That face! How sweet! I haven't gotten much sewing done either. My Postage Stamp is still in striped pieces. Only 10 blocks put together!

  4. SO CUTE!!!! life gets in the way of sewing all the time! ;-)

  5. That is the cutest little doggie (well, second to mine. lol!)

  6. Hey -- you got the important stuff done! Glad you made it home safely. Very, very cute puppy!

  7. Adorable lil pup!!! Puppy kisses love 'em!
    You had a good time...all that matters!
    I did get my top done and love it!

  8. Just did a Google search for 'Breton spaniel labrador cross' and up popped your picture.... it's our 'Bertie' to a tee!
    Bertie's mother was a Breton spaniel which was visited by an unknown dog, which I'm now wondering might be a golden retriever rather than a spaniel. Anyway, he attracts admiration wherever he goes here in France.


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