
Friday, July 29, 2011


in one piece from my adventure in San Antonio.

It was a fun trip. The conference I attended was great and we had lots of time to see the sights. I don't have many photos, as my camera is on its last legs, but I will download the pics from the OnlyChild's camera (yeah, you've heard that story before...) and post a few later. For now, here are some from my cell phone...

We arrived at the airport to find that United Airlines lost our luggage, or rather they didn't check it right through from Edmonton to San Antonio so our suitcases were stuck in Denver. They were delivered to the hotel at 2:45 in the morning. Only the first of UA's screw-ups on this trip!

We went to the Texas Buckhorn Museum where we saw a vast array of dead animals, among other things. It was a really great way to spend a couple of hours.

We also went on a riverboat tour. It was soooo hot down there. I like the heat, but the OnlyChild complained constantly about it.

And we bought cowboy boots. I had no intention of buying boots (they are rather expensive), but as soon as I tried on a pair, I was in love. They had to come home with me.

I've already worn them. And, believe me, cowboy boots do not look out of place in Alberta!

And we went to the Alamo, and to La Villita and Market Square. We walked along the Riverwalk numerous times. We swam in the indoor-outdoor pool (no photos of that!). We ate. I had disgusting Mexican food that made me sick. We drank copious amounts of tequila in the form of margaritas. It was a good time overall.

I also wanted to update you on the pain-in-the-butt dress I was making before I left. I finished it on the Monday night (we flew out on Wednesday) so that I could pack it. It turned out really nice...except I don't like the way it looks on me. It is quite unflattering around the belly area. I definitely need to be fixing that (the belly, not the dress) because I really let things go over the winter and it shows. Ugh.

Anyway, here's a quick photo of the dress hanging off the door. I still need to hem it and finish the sleeves (10-minute job), but I was so dismayed that I haven't bothered to do it yet.

The OnlyChild took a couple of photos of me wearing my ruffled skirt so I'll be sure to show you when I get the SA pics from her camera (and cell phone). That is one garment that was a success!

So, yes, I returned in one piece from my trip...but only just. Our flight out of SA was delayed which meant we missed our connection in Denver which meant we had to stay overnight in Denver. In a hotel. Without luggage. And it was late. And we were not happy about the situation. So, the OnlyChild and I actually made United Airlines pay for separate rooms. We needed the peace and quiet. Not to mention, we had nothing but the clothes on our backs so had to sleep nakey. Not something you want to do with another person (who is not your spouse) in the room. I didn't even have undies to wear to bed because they had to be washed for the next day. Yikes - it was not a fun trip home.

But I'm home. And back to real life. Writing, studying, working. And, I hope, sewing soon!


  1. Phew. Your travel adventures back and forth made me tired. But happy to hear you had a nice time. Super sharp looking boots by the way.

  2. Well...gosh....that stupid airline really messed up, didn't they? I'll look forward to the rest of your photos (from your daughter's camera). Of course, I know sometimes those things take time. LOL

  3. Sounds like a fun trip except the trials with the airlines.
    I do love love love you cowboy boots.
    I think you will have lots of fun wearing them.
    Have a happy weekend.

  4. I've never been to Texas! Bummer about the airline stuff! Great looking boots. Don't have any myself..are they comfortable?
    Glad you did lots of fun stuff.

  5. Welcome back. Glad you had a (mostly) great trip.

    I appreciate the photos you did show because they are from a part of the world I do not know.

  6. love your boots...they are normal around here as well...E has a pair

  7. I am sorry your trip wasn't good -- I am afraid the heat would have ruined things even without the luggage issues. Where did you eat Mexican food? Mexican food is pretty much what San Antonio is known for -- aside from the Alamo which is usually a surprise to most people because it is rather small. Maybe you can go back in the autumn sometime when it will be nice -- and use another airline! Love the boots!


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