
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


That's how many years I've been of today.

Wow, time flies!

I'm trying to come up with a new story so I can preserve my age. How about: it was an arranged marriage that took place when I was nine...? No? Oh well.

Here are Mr. P and me shortly after we first met. We lived in the same residence at university. He was soooo cool! And he had great muscles.

I thought he liked my roommate, Melody. She was (still is) a crazy redhead. But, no, he liked the dorky little brunette.

We went to a movie together a few days after we met - Mr. P, me, Melody and another friend, Bobby (I wonder where he is now?). We saw Casualties of War, a very violent film about the Vietnam War. I fell asleep sitting cross-legged on the seat. I probably snored and drooled. Mr. P probably thought it was adorable. Ha.

Twenty years, one child, and about half a dozen moves later, we're still plugging along. Being married is hard work, isn't it?


  1. sounds like good times to me...Happy Anniversary, and many more to come!

  2. Happy anniversary, what a cute picture and story!!! Yes it is hard work.....but think of life without that person and the thought is unbearable!!

  3. Happy Anniversary!

    You two look cute!

    I have pictures like that with my you aren't alone :o)

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! WAHOO! here's to 20 more!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! Here's to 20 more!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Yes, marriage does take work, but it pays off in the end. Wishing you 20 more wonderful years!

  7. The real question is....are you still snoring and drooling LOL??? Happy Belated Anniversary!!!


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