
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halloween Cat Mini

My Halloween Cat mini quilt is finished! I had very little to do to complete it, which makes me wonder why it took me nearly a month to get around to doing it. I suppose that the month of August doesn't quite motivate me to finish Halloween projects the way September and October do.

The quilting gave me a little bit of trouble on Saturday night when I started it. My machine was playing games (naughty Bernice!) and I put it aside rather than get more frustrated. Sunday night I just re-threaded the machine and it worked. Sometimes it's just those little things (and some patience) that make all the difference.

I know Halloween is more than a month away, but since this little quilt was actually finished, I thought it should find its home on my front table along with a pumpkin bowl and my Autumn yo-yo tree. (Plus, the Little Lamb had been there since March so it was time for a change!) I also hung up the Cat Wall-hanging I made last September after we said goodbye to dear RexCat. 

Yesterday, I made the label for the Patisserie quilt and put it in the washing machine. I just need to find some nice wrapping paper or a pretty gift bag (I was sure I had one somewhere...) and I will send this one to baby Mollie. The label is simple and inconspicuous (just like me haha) because I didn't want it to stand out too much. Just a little reminder that this quilt was made especially for someone by someone, and not bought in the baby section of Wal-mart!

P.S. I linked up to Fabric Tuesday


  1. Very Cute R.M.! I think sometimes our machines just need a little time out so they can shape up. They're like our children LOL!

  2. Cut wall hanging!! Yup sometimes u just gotta walk away from the machine, saves hours of frustration!!

  3. cute little cat! So glad the second go round went nice and smooth.

  4. Love your cat mini...just adorable!!

  5. Love it! Very festive! Thanks for sharing! Have a Wonderful Day! :)

  6. Very cute cat, congrats on finishing it.

  7. I think I have just remembered why I don't use a machine... no patience. Even this computer drives me nuts! Very cute finish. It was time to put it out. (Stores in Tokyo already have halloween displays).

  8. You've reminded me to get my pastel summer quilt down and my September apple quilt up before it's time to hang my monsters in October--where does the time fly to?

    Love your kitty with the candy corn colored background, btw.

  9. love you sweet black cat wall hanging.
    the quilt is lovely along with the label.
    i hope to get started on my postage stamp quilt next week.


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