
Saturday, October 22, 2011

In the mountains

I went to a conference this weekend (Thursday, Friday and home today) with pretty much my whole staff. The conference was kind of a bust, but we got to stay in Canmore, a beautiful little town in the Rocky Mountains. I love it there!

On Thursday afternoon/evening, I went shopping and out to dinner with my colleague Ray. He was looking for a gift for his wife who was joining him on Friday and I was, well, just looking. I saw the sign pictured above and thought, "Hey, this would be cool on a quilt or sampler." So, I took a photo.
Then, I found the jacket below.

I kept taking it off the rack and stroking the orange sleeves and then putting it back. I think I did that for about half an hour and didn't even try it on. "No, no," I kept telling myself, "you shouldn't."

All Thursday night, I thought about it and talked about it. My "roommates" Rose and Erminia made me describe it in exquisite detail. Friday, after our sessions, we went back downtown and I bought it. I'm in love!

The girls and I had such fun strolling around town. We took our pictures with the mountains as a backdrop. We shared a crepe (right before dinner, too!). We looked in every single store, I'm sure. They have such nice shops there - little boutiques that are so different from the chain stores in the city. My favourite has to be the shoe store called Gingerella. Just look at these fantastic boots:

The girl in the shop called them the Smartie Boots. Oh wait, you don't have Smarties in the U.S., do you? (They're like M&Ms but they come in more colours and don't taste as good.)

On the way home, we stopped for pictures at the Big Head.

He's great, isn't he? I told him some secrets...

I arrived home this evening very tired. Thank goodness there's still another weekend day before I have to go back to work!
I didn't bring home much marking...maybe there will be time for sewing tomorrow...


  1. Where's the big head? I've never seen that before. (I'm in Calgary, but haven't travelled much in Alberta. Originally from SK.)

    LOVE the new coat. What a great find!

  2. Smarties are defintely better than M&Ms (I don't like either but that's not the point!!)

    The conference may not have been good but I think you had a good time!

  3. I love the photos!

  4. It's always nice when conference is held at a place that has some fun things to do. Otherwise, sometimes conferences can know....

  5. Sounds like you had a good time....and that just awesome....

  6. what a great coat! Good thing you went back and bought it. Canmore is a wonderful place to stroll and visit and do a little shopping. I'm not familiar with the big head either - looks rather interesting. Have fun sewing today!

  7. We have smarties here, but they're a totally different type of candy (not yum at all)
    Loooooove your new coat (so pretty!)
    and those boots are TO DIE FOR. I need to find some, my life is now empty and desolate without them...

  8. Canmore sounds adorable! I love the shot with those gorgeous mountains in the background. Glad you bought yourself the jacket ... I have found that when I can't get something out of my head like that, I rarely regret buying it for myself.

    Those boots are great!

  9. Glad you bought the coat. We have Smarties in the US but they aren't chocolate.

  10. Wow - your conferences always go to such cool places. Your jacket and those boots are pretty darn cool! And I'll take M&Ms any day over smarties!

  11. That big head is kinda creepy! And my SIL just got some smarties at the Mini Cooper dealership and she shared them with us. They were just as good as M&M's. Both are really sugary. :)


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