
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sock Monkey Shirts!

What a busy weekend!

Yesterday: Cleaned, made homemade hot chocolate mix (for gifts), wrapped presents, made fancy dessert for company, cooked fancy dinner, went to bed at 1:00 am.

Today: Awake at 4:00 am (ugh!), up by 6:30 am, baked banana muffins, made more Nutella Caramel Corn, made pastry, baked meat pies and mincemeat tarts.

And also today...Sock Monkey Shirts!

 Tutorial here .

I made both of these while chatting with the OnlyChild and helping her pick out fabric for a baby quilt she wants to make (will I end up making it, I wonder?) Such an easy little I want to appliqué sock monkeys on everything.

Back to work tomorrow. If life was fair, I'd already be on Christmas vacation...


  1. so cute, love these nephew is into sock monkey's right now

  2. They are very cute! My grandson has a blue striped sock monkey - he doesn't like it much at all!

  3. I'm tired just from reading about all that you've done! :) You deserve a break. And those sock monkey shirts are darling!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Those are so cute! I have a friend who has been making sock monkeys by the hundreds. hmmm... You've just given me too many ideas. Thanks!

  5. Super cute Rachel!!! love sock monkeys! Thanks for linking up!

  6. Very cute indeed! I found you via Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday.

  7. I have a friend who is always looking for monkey items, especially Sock monkeys! Such a cute idea.

  8. I am new to your big are those sock monkey iron ons?? Do you make those to sell? Would they work to be ironed onto non rubber floor mats? I bought sock monkey seat covers but I can NOT find sock monkey floor mats any where... then I seen the iron on appliques and it gave me the idea of buying some cheap floor mats and doing them myself.


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