
Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Block that Wouldn't Be

Today was a Swoon Day!

Up at 8:00 am. Breakfast, newspaper, cleaning, laundry, then off to the sewing room.

I finished putting together the first block:

Pretty, eh?

Then came the second block. I'm not even sure I can explain my trials and tribulations with Block 2.

I take full responsibility for any trouble I encountered...

First of all, I mixed up the two fabrics. I was texting with the OnlyChild while I was cutting (never - NEVER - text and cut, people) and while I was supposed to be cutting Colour 1, I was reading the instructions for Colour 2. Ooops.

I had a little panic attack, because the cutting instructions don't really allow for the direction of a pattern (even though that needs to be taken into consideration for a number of the blocks). I was sure I wouldn't have enough fabric to fix my mistake and make it work.

So I went online to find me some more fabric. It's really hard to find a retailer that carries both of these fabrics, since it's not a new line. Plus, for about $10 worth of fabric, I would have been paying $11.95 for shipping. Ridiculous. Finally, though, I found an Etsy shop that had a little FQ bundle with both these fabrics in it. In the meantime, of course, I was sending the OnlyChild angsty texts and emailing Jen to share my woes.

But then, sometime during supper or something, my brilliant mathematical brain (ahem, choke choke) figured out that I COULD fix this mistake with a bit of ingenuity (and that I had just wasted spent $14-something on fabric I didn't actually need).

But, my elation came to a SCREECHING halt when I realized that I had overlooked one tiny, unnecessary error in my sewing and cutting.

Can you see it?

I didn't rotate one of my squares before sewing the HSTs. Sigh. Such a small matter, but it would drive me crazy. And, because of my previous fiddling around, I don't have a 3 7/8" piece of this Sundae in Lime fabric left. I guess I will be waiting on that Etsy order after all.

Tomorrow I'll put together as much of the block as I can then move on to the third one. My goal was to get two blocks completed this weekend so let's hope my brain cooperates this time!


  1. Glad you found the fabric you needed...I know I would struggle if it was me as some of my stash is over 10 years old!

  2. I do love that first block. I'm sure you will get it all looking terrific by the time you are done....your work is always great!

  3. love the greens in that second block......pat's right, your work is always great, so neat and precise..

  4. Oh dear! I don't think I'll be in a hurry to Swoon!

  5. Your blocks are just awesome and it seems that one overlook can cause such stress...glad you found it.

    You sure get alot done for as busy as you are.

  6. Well even with your tiny mistake, I think both of your swoon blocks are great!

  7. Your blocks look breat even with the issues! If it were me, I would leave the block alone. You can't even tell it is turned.

  8. So, Did you fix it...if it's going to bug you that much now is the time...but give yourself a break coz your blocks look great!

    Best Wishes

    Kay in Scotland


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