
Friday, January 06, 2012


We're nearly at the end of Christmas vacation - back to work on Monday - and, although this has been a great break from work, it hasn't been much of a "break" at all because I've been so busy. Can't complain, though. I've had some fun. (Well, obviously.)

When I got back from Paris, I faced the chore of taking down the tree and all the decorations. I just couldn't make myself do it on Monday or Tuesday so I procrastinated until Wednesday morning.

Our tree this year was beautiful and it looked so sad out in the back yard, stripped of all its splendour. It looks even sadder out in the back alley next to the garbage cans. I actually feel a little guilty about sending such a gorgeous tree to the chipper.

And then, of course, there was the debris to deal with - needles and branches, presents that were left in the living room, the stand to clean, and the tree skirt and stockings to put away.

All the ornaments were packed away carefully.

And I brought out the new-old tablecloth that my friend Patt found in a thrift store. I love yellow!

We also had visitors! My bestest-ever best friend, Cheryl, and her husband were visiting all the way from the other side of the country.

Their son and the OnlyChild have been friends almost since they were born. Really - they met when he was 10 1/2 months old and she was 5 months old!

We spent a day at the Telus World of Science...we mainly went for the special Titanic exhibit, but had a look at the permanent exhibits too. It's kind of a tradition in our family to take photos any time we seen one of these stick-your-head-in-the-hole things:

Cheryl and I enjoyed some Marie Antoinette tea from Ladurée in Paris in our new Titanic tea cups (she bought one for each of us).

But now the vacation is essentially over. Cheryl is staying with her daughter and another friend for the next couple of days and I will be taking the OnlyChild back to university tomorrow.

Sigh...all good things must come to an end, I guess. Getting back into a routine will be good and I'm looking forward to having some sewing time but, honestly, I need another vacation already!

P.S. I missed my own blogiversary...again. I never remember it. But three years ago, on January 4, I started Not-so-Plain Jane. Thanks for sticking with me for the journey!


  1. I went back to work this week. It was a LONG week! Be prepared!

  2. That poor, poor tree. It's sad to see it go.
    Nice teacups. How exciting that your friend came to visit. Looks like you two were having a good time.
    Time to get back to sewing or marking in your case. lol

  3. Have a safe trip taking your daughter back to school.......and just think, the first half of the school year is already sped by quickly and the second half will do the same!

  4. Happy blogiversary. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your friend and her family before returning to work. We took our tree down yesterday and it is indeed a sad sight watching it being cut up for the green waste bin (so I didn't watch)! I hope leaving OnlyChild at university is not too traumatic this time.

  5. Happy blogoversary, Rachel! Looks like you had some good times with your break from school, and a trip to boot! that's living, girl. You need to go back to school to rest!

  6. I need another vacation too -- I'm soo not ready to go back to work. Looks like you've been having fun though -- your break was certainly more exciting than mine was! (Have you noticed that you and your bestie look a LOT alike???)

  7. Happy blogiversary! Enjoy (not really) your first day back to work.

  8. I for one and glad you became a blogger!! Happy Blogoversary!!
    What a wonderful holiday you have had making fun memories!! I LOVE that cloth!! Provence!!! Thrift find! !!!!D got one at the french fabric booth at quilt show in 2010 for big $!! Enjoy being back on your routine!;-)

  9. Sounds like a great vacation. Back to reality,hope the trip back to university was a safe one.

  10. There is something truly lovely about regaining the house from all the clutter of Christmas decorations, but, at the same time, quite sad. Funny how it can be both.


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