
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Oh, I am in such a slump.

Bernice has been gathering dust, literally and figuratively-speaking. The only action she's seen lately is when I fixed a pair of Mr. P's pants.

 Looks like my sewing room could use a good clean-up too.

Poor Swoon has been abandoned for a while. I think I've decided to quilt this myself. And I think I may have convinced myself that there's nothing wrong with stippling/meandering.

I ate this for supper tonight:

It was unbelievably good. I kind of forgot we'd bought it a couple of weeks ago and then tonight, with Mr. P away, I went foraging in the freezer and unearthed the good blue box.

It's supposed to be healthy too.

I undid the healthiness by making this for dessert:

It's a brownie-in-a-mug. I got the recipe off Pinterest. You can find it here. I have been spending a lot (A LOT) of downtime on Pinterest lately. Too much time. I've been pinning a lot (A LOT) of food. It's quite pathetic, really.

Oh, I've been getting the essentials done - marking, laundry, housework, yoga and dance classes (I love my dance classes). But no sewing. Just Pinterest and a few shows watched on my computer. I used to only watch t.v. and movies while I was sewing. Sigh.

I did go out last Saturday night, though. I went to a '60s-themed party. Mr. P and I dressed up as hippies (late '60s? What do I know about that decade? I wasn't even born then.) Mr. P's costume was really funny. Mine was kind of lame, but at least I was comfortable.

Excuse the awful, low-lighting cell phone pic.

So, that's the story of my great, big slumpity-slump. No motivation, no energy, no will to do much of anything. It will pass; it always does.

And, anyway, I'm heading to ITALY next week (with 33 students...). That should cure me!


  1. Italy! How exciting. I think that will def. cure your slumpity slump! I am working on sashing my Swoon, then I have no idea how it will be quilted. I am SUCH a novice with FMQ. Either straight lines or have someone else quilt it. Hmm. Have fun on your trip! xo

  2. Oh I think and Italian Connection is just what you need! You go and have a good time, and when you get back, you'll be all fired up and Bernice will be smoking!
    Have fun!

  3. Oh.....I love your me some and I will be right over!!

  4. I was feeling sorry for you...until you mentioned Italy! I'm sure that will cure the slumpity-slump. Have a wonderful time!

  5. By the time you get back from Italy with 33 students - you will be so ready to quilt!

    Have FUN!

  6. Well you do not have to be sewing all the time to have fun! Partying, dancing and travel to Italy are high up on the fun scale!Hope your group of kids are fun ones to travel with!

  7. Ohmygosh -- the trip is NEXT week! I'm so excited for you -- I'm thinking it will definitely cure the slumpities. I'm on pinterest too much too -- damn cell phone app -- I can pin waiting in lines, in meetings, pin, pin, all the live-long day LOL!

  8. Peace out, sister. Have a GREAT time in Italy. Sewing will find its way home again soon. :)

  9. You've been through quite a bit these last few would make sense that it has had an effect on you. (((Hugs))) I'm sure Italy will definitely cheer you up...all that sun is probably what you need!

  10. Wow, Italy next week! Hope you have a wonderful time.

    I haven't tried Pinterest because I'm afraid I'll never be able to drag myself away from the computer.

    Glad to hear that meal tasted good ... I was preparing to feel bad for you!


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