
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


You know I don't usually post cryptic messages; I either tell you or I don't.

But yesterday, I mentioned something about work and I didn't tell the whole story. I'm still not going to because:
1. I'm not sure I fully understand what happened, and
2. I'm getting over it.

Really, it was just a matter of those with "power" making a couple of very poor decisions that will most definitely affect me in a negative way next year. I will survive. And, like I said, I have an escape plan.

So, why am I telling you this (and being oh so very cryptic)? Because I need you to send some good wishes my way. Keep your fingers crossed. Pray, if that's your style. I'm looking towards making quite a big change, a very exciting change, and I dare not say anything more in case I jinx it.

If it doesn't work out, then the status quo is not so bad. But it would be (could be) wonderful...


  1. Go for something wonderful! Hope everything works even better than imagined!

  2. Sending good thoughts your way!

  3. All good wishes headded your way.

  4. Good thoughts coming your way!!

  5. Good vibes headed your way, Rachel!!

  6. Sending you great big SUCCESS wishes Rachel! Can't wait to hear what it is -- either way. We never know until we try, do we???

  7. Good vibes coming! Believe in yourself!

  8. I am all for taking risks and making changes. Good luck!


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