
Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

We've had some pretty bizarre weather lately - lots of rain and crazy thunder & lightning storms. The forecast is always off, and always changing. It makes it hard to plan activities.

Saturday, Mr. P, the OnlyChild and I decided to go to A Taste of Edmonton, which is held outdoors downtown. It was cloudy, but looked okay out. By the time we got halfway there, it was pouring rain. After we parked the car, the rain stopped. We stayed for a little over an hour, stuffed our bellies with goodies, then headed home. And on the way home it poured and poured and poured. It was insane.

I don't mind the odd rainy day, but we've had a bit too many of those lately. The good thing about rain, though, is the excuse it gives me to stay inside. With Swoon once again out of commission while waiting for fabric, I pulled out the old bow-tie blocks from last summer and whipped up a few more. Forty-six more, actually, for a total of 172 blocks.

They're all sorted into groups of four to be sewn into bigger blocks. 

And I still have some red fabric left over if I need to make more (or for borders and binding).

I had a bit of help collecting the fabric for these blocks. In addition to my own stash of red, Jenn, Riel, and Julie all sent me precious pieces from their red stash. Thanks!

Yesterday (Sunday) was a gorgeous day (despite the forecast). I took AbbyDog for a very long walk in the River Valley.

Then we spent the rest of the afternoon in the back yard. The OnlyChild and my neighbour, Shannon, joined me in the pool while the dogs played in the yard.

And today? Well, it's already rained and thundered and right now it's cloudy. Laundry and packing has to be done because I leave on Wednesday for my trip back east.

I'm going to try to fit in some sewing tonight - those bow-tie blocks seem to be calling to me.


  1. My husband and I have been commenting on all the thunder storms this year. Usually we are done with them by mid-June, and yet they linger. And wreak havoc! Power outages, downed trees, outings ended before their time. Oh well, like you say, we can sit inside and quilt!

  2. were lucky, the rain stopped just long enough for you to enjoy your outing.

  3. Isn't it fun to pick up an old project and get going again? Is sounds like you have the bug and you'll keep going. I hope you get some sun soon -- we're having showers this morning and LOVING it!!!

  4. Good for you with all those bowties. I was beginning to think those thunder storms were following me from Japan but NH weather turned out fine and cool. Have a great trip.

  5. Weird weather? I can relate. We had a cool, wet summer, an early cold winter, then spring in the middle of July. With another six weeks of winter to go, I wonder what the weather will do?

    Sounds like you had a good family time lit and made it home just in time!

  6. Lovely. It's going to be one sharp looking quilt.


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