
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Rainy Sunday Sewing

Last year, on this long weekend, I drove the OnlyChild to university in a city 5 hours away. It was hard, remember?

This year, she decided to transfer to a school which is about a 10-minute walk from our house. Hurray!

Not only will it be nice to have her around for the year, but it will save us some money since we won't be paying residence fees.

In celebration of her new school year, I made her a back-to-university present: hedgehog pillowcases.

They're pictured here on the spare room bed. The OnlyChild needs to clean her room and change her sheets before she can make use of her new pillowcases. And, even then, her room is never in photo-op shape. I guess maybe there are some disadvantages to having her home... ;)

Back to School Sewing

School started up again on Thursday. The students don't come until after the long weekend, but we teachers had staff meetings, department meetings, planning, organizing, etc. to take care of.

I wasn't thrilled to return to work. I know, I know...I had the whole summer off. I hear that all the time. But remember back in June I mentioned some ugliness that occurred at the end of last school year? Well, that's why I wasn't looking forward to going back. It hasn't sorted itself out and my cross-your-fingers plan hasn't amounted to anything (yet), so I pretty much had no choice.

To cheer myself up, I decided to make a back to school dress for Tuesday.

A while back, I bought some nice grey fabric (a real score at $4/metre!), planning to make a dress from Simple Modern Sewing. I made a shirt from that book instead (I forgot to take a picture), which meant that I had some fabric left over. I knew just the dress to make from Sew Serendipity.

With a bit of finangling and head-scratching, I managed to make 2m of fabric work for a pattern that called for over 3yds.

And here it is:

Please excuse the dorky picture, the dirty mirror and my bare feet (I actually have a killer pair of shoes to wear with this dress).

Hey, I started and finished something - in ONE day!

p.s. Blogger is being a pain. Apparently, I have used up all my photo capacity. I had to delete pictures from a Picasa album in order to upload this one photo. What I didn't realize (but should have) is that those pictures are now deleted from my blog, and they were my Paris pics from last Christmas :(