
Saturday, October 20, 2012


I know, I know...I fell off the face of the earth again. I've been sort of busy. Sort of. But really, I haven't done much sewing or anything really exciting worth posting about.

But yesterday, I basted Swoon!


I packed up everything and took it to work so I could lay out this monster (92" square) on a classroom floor. And then I realized I'd left the backing fabric at home on my ironing board. Duh.

So, I brought it home and laid it out on the dining room floor - after removing the furniture! I had to work very carefully because I didn't want to poke pins into the hardwood floor.

I managed to keep Abby and Derby out of the dining room for most of the basting event, but when I was done...

She's claimed it as her own. Ha!

Now to quilt this... See you in about 6 months.