
Sunday, November 18, 2012


I can't believe it!

I actually finished my Swoon quilt. The last stitches went into the binding last night, then I popped it in the washer on gentle and, this morning, I took it out of the dryer and hugged it tight.

I think I'm in love.

It's snowing quite hard right now, but that didn't stop me from taking it out in the front yard to snap a few photos. I was looking for nice, unblemished snow (which cannot be found in the backyard with two dogs) and wouldn't you know it, yesterday was the day Mr. P chose to put up the Christmas lights. So, excuse the footprints and focus on the loveliness of Swoon.

If you're with me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you've probably seen the constant updates. Still, I'm thrilled that I actually completed this before the end of the year.

Took me long enough!


  1. Love the addition of the pinwheels! The quilt is beautiful,


  2. It is a great finish, Rachel! Love it!

  3. It's a BEAUTY and GORGEOUS and you are so making me want to finish mine right now!

  4. Oh, I can see why you are in love, that is just awesome and looks great with the snow back drop!

  5. Looks great! This quilt is on my list, maybe someday.

  6. I would say that pattern is well named. I have loved every one I have seen. Congratulations on a super finish!

  7. congrats on the finish! I love the green binding. and the pinwheels! lovely!!

  8. It's gorgeous Rachel! Congratulations on a great finish. I love the colors you chose too!

  9. Congratulations! It's beautiful! What a nice finish just in time for Christmas!

  10. Your Swoon quilt is so pretty. I love it!


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