
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Announcement: Giveaway!

Remember when you were in school and the ANNOUNCEMENTS came over the PA system in the morning? Well, they still do that in schools. Nobody ever listens to them, though. That's what email is for haha.

Aaaanyway... I have an announcement of my own.

A week from today is my birthday... and it's a very significant birthday... it ends with a 9. That's all I'm tellin' ya. In honour of this birthday NOT ending with a zero, I'm having a giveaway. It's my birthday, but you get the presents!

So, just leave me a comment on this post by midnight on January 27 answering the question: What do you want to accomplish by your next birthday? On my birthday, January 28, I will draw a winner. If you mention this giveaway in your blog and provide a link to mine, I will give you an extra entry (just be sure to let me know you did).

What can you win? For starters...

  • Your own Itty Bitty Kitty (this one was made for my Mum; you will get a fresh one
  • Create a Quilt by Joyce Mori
  • Quilt block Wallies
  • A package of 6" charm squares (you tell me the colours you like best or if you'd rather have flannel)
  • Whatever else I dig up that will fit in the box

Happy Quilting (or knitting, or sewing, or paper-crafting, or whatever it is that you do and love) and remember:

We do what we must so that we can do what we want.

(from the movie The Great Debaters).


  1. Wow! I'm the first to comment! Congrats on your not-so-significant birthday. I just passed my 30th a couple years ago - it was no biggie for me! What do I plan to accomplish by my next birthday? It's on Feb 3rd, so I don't have much time. I'm teaching a friend how to quilt using Crazy Mom Quilts' tutorial of a Ragged Squares Quilt. We start Friday and I can't wait to cut into my fabric!

    Happy Birthday!

  2. Xcellent and I will link this ..It is so much fun to do giveaways...By my next birthday I wouled like to make a few more people happy with out them knowing that Ihad anything to do with it.... that is the key...oh my gosh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE NOT SO PLAIN

  3. Sounds like fun! By my next birthday, I plan to have a baby. :) I'm due in about 2 months...3 days before my birthday. Honestly, at this point, I don't have much on my list that doesn't involve getting ready for the baby.

  4. Let's see... by my next birthday, which would be in October, I plan to hopefully have ONE lap quilt all done, 100% and another one started. See. Takes me a while to get these quilts done! LOL.

    Happy (early) Birthday!

  5. WOW, pick me, pick me. What a lovely giveaway. We should be giving you gifts. By my next birthday......Aug 26th..........I would like to have all my UFO's and anything else I've started finished. I have stacks and stacks of stuff unfinished. I hope I win. I will also post a link on my sidebar.

  6. Actually, NO........I'll post it in my blog so more people will see. OOPSY

  7. What do I want to accomplish by my next birthday...(shoot - my b/d is Feb. 6) - oh, okay - I need to get my name tag for my quilt quilds done...two name tags!!!

    One is for a guilt guild that I've been a member of several years...the other is a new guild and we will get the pattern for our name tag on Tuesday...

  8. OH! a giveaway! yipeee! happy birthday! I use that phrase all the time with my daugter, Do what You have to, so you can do what You want to... it's so good! Well, my bday is also coming up. So I'd like to accomplish half of my UFO's sitting here by my big, ending in 9 also... ;-)

  9. Oh, my goodness....what a GREAT giveaway. An early Happy Birthday wish to you, too. Let's see...I just had a "significant" birthday last June and it DID end in a ZERO. do I want to accomplish before my "zero plus 1" birthday?? I want to get my blood pressure lowered and shed some weight...maybe at least 10 lbs. by then. I have until June 18, so I think I can do it. Let me go now to my blog and set up tomorrow's post to tell folks about your b'day and your giveaway.

  10. congrats on your birthday! mine actually ends in a zero this year..yikes!
    your giveaway looks great, please count me in.
    julie :)

  11. Easy, I want to see my daughter graduate with her nursing degree....I have 11 months to wait for that.

  12. I want to have at least one finished quilt by Dec. 31, 2009! Work gets in my way!!! :-)

  13. Happy Birthday to you indeed.
    I first saw your blog mentioned by Pat a while back. Now today she mentioned this post. Yep, "Pat sent me" -she told me to say that.

    By my next birthday? Gee, I want to have made at least 2 more quilts by then. Not a big accomplishment, but one that I think I can reasonably accomplish. When you get "older" you tend to be a bit more realistic in these things. I passed one of those birthdays that end in a zero last year. It wasn't even painful. But now, in some establishments, I qualify as a "senior". Oh MY!

  14. I read Pat's blog every morning along with several others. I still am in awe of todays technology, where else can a 70 year old Nana meet so many talented people and learn more about her favorite thing to do? Hopefully I can get my blog started soon,(I do need help). Don't sweat the Birthday. its only a number. Most important thing is how we feel and what we do with our time. Relax, enjoy and have a good day. My bd is soon, March, so hopefully I can continue to quilt some every day and finally this year make a bed quilt.

  15. By my next birthday, which will be January 27th, I hope to get the laundry done, the groceries bought, and this name crocheted that I got an order for last night!
    Have a very Happy Birthday & a Blessed Day,

  16. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!
    By my next birthday i hope to get 3 UFO's done. I have until July.

  17. As they say, "you're only as old as you feel." Feel young and you'll stay that way, I'm sure!!!!

    Before my next birthday (which will end in a 2) I WILL get into my fabric closet and organize it. It will save me the time I spend searching for what I KNOW I have in there. :)

  18. oh gosh....
    Happy Birthday a week early!! Mine is in July, so I have a bit of time. I am teaching my 8 year old neighbor girl to do redwork, so would like to have taught her enough so she can start, stitch and stop without help....

  19. Happy Birthday a week early! What a nice idea to have a giveaway to celebrate! I hope that by my next birthday in the summer (which ends in a 6) that I WILL get my sewing room organized.

  20. Happy early B Day!!! I would like to lose enough weight to be comfortable with my picture being taken.

  21. By my next birthday, march 21, I want to be down 20 pounds!!!!!!!

  22. My birthday was on the 21st. What I'd like to accomplish by my next birthday is to be comfortable with free motion quilting. I'd like to do this on most of my projects.

    Happy Birthday to you!

  23. Happy Birthday, Rachel! Hmm. My birthday is in Ocotber, so I have plenty of time to accomplish something! I would like to finish some UFO's.

    I hope your birthday is great!

  24. Happy Birthday!!!! My birthday is in the summer and I just want to be able to take a trip to Hawaii by then!

    Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

  25. Happy Birthday honey. Hope it is a sweet one for you. I had mine on the 13th.

  26. Happy almost Birthday! Hmmm, by my next birthday??? I'd like to learn how to manage my computer time a LOT better!

  27. Thanks so much for visiting me. I love your giveaway!! Happy Birthday a little early. My mom's birthday is the 27th.

  28. Happy Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Birthday!!!!! My next '9' is not one I am looking forward too at all,make me too old, oh well rather that then none!! Love that kitty!!!! My BD is in Nov so maybe lose 10 pds at least by then!!!

  29. Happy Birthday! My birthday is in March and I hope to complete my BOM from last year (Elegant Garden). I love this quilt and think it might be my new favorite. Enjoy your special day!

  30. What a wonderful happy birthday giveaway. I would like to get my UFO's under control by my birthday in July, then I won't feel so guilty asking for more quilt stuff!!

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  31. Happy Birthday Rachel!!
    Having celebrated my 60th on the 8th of this month, this year should be interesting. I hope to finish more of my UFOs that are sitting around or find them a new home. Also, I would love to find more people I could share my passion with, even two more would be nice.

    Please put my name in the pot for the blog give-a-way.


  32. I hope to have a Double Wedding Ring quilt finished by my birthday in September. I have been working off and on it for over 25 years. The quilt will be a antique before I ever get it finished.

  33. I not an experienced quilter but I would like to finish appliqueing the top of a quilt my mother-in-law gave me years ago. I have til November. Yikes!
    Happy Birthday!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  34. Well happy birthay to you.....just look at it as another number. Well let's see I am doing an applique quilt with a firnd of mine and would to finish it plus I am doing a Girl Gang and a few others. Make a quilt for my husband who out of all the quilt designs, likes the log cabin the best so that is on my list. I will have a grandbaby girl in March and of course I will be inventing stuff for that occasion....Well I could go on but I think you have the point. Such a lovely person to give away a gift on your special day...enjoy it.

  35. I want to simplyfy by my next birthday. Happy birthday to you and best wishes for success in the next year!

  36. Hi Rachel, Its Kaye again, I now have my blog up and running, please stop by. Happy Quilting and Happy Birthday!

  37. Happy Birthday to you! For my next birthday I want to accomplish a plaid for my daughter(My next birthday is on 09/01/2010)

  38. Happy B-Day Rachel. By my next birthday which is only weeks away I hope to have my sewing room cleaned. By next years birthday I hope to have a quilt completed that I will keep for myself.

  39. Happy Almost Birthday!! My very traumatic next birthday does have a zero...and a damned 5!
    I'm working on things that I enjoy, I'll finish something old if I feel like it and I'll start any darn thing I please! :)
    I finished my Y2K quilt (started 1999) the day before Christmas - I want to get that machine quilted by my birthday.

  40. Happy Birthday!

    My birthday is 11 months away. In that time I want to pass my qualifying exam at grad school. There are also lots of quilt projects I want to finish, but that shouldn't be a problem - they are my procrastination/distraction from studying, so I've been getting a lot of quilting done recently! ;)

  41. Happy Birthday! Unfortunately my birthday will not have a 0 for long time...
    I want to finish a wall guilt for my daughter. I planned it for a long time, but this year a will make it - I think...

  42. Happy Birthday! My birthday is in November, so I have plenty of time to accomplish something! I would like to finish a badcover for my daughters and my husband.

  43. Happy Birthday! My birthday is March 17th and I hope to accomplish putting the binding on a quilt I finished 2 years ago! Yuck! I hate doing bindings!!!

  44. Happy Birthday!
    My birthday is in May.By my next birthday i hope to get 3 PIF's done. I have until May.

  45. Thanks for this giveaway and happy birthday! My birthday is in september, and i hope so that i manage to learn a new language, because i'm planning to go to Italy. that is my plan :)


Thanks for leaving a comment. I ♥ to hear from you!