
Friday, January 23, 2009

The Blogging Award Goes To...

Pat of A Little of This and a Little of Pat has given me a blogging award for, she says, "being a kind and generous person." Well, I am honoured! Thanks Pat! You have made me feel very welcome here and I appreciate your kindness. I would love to pass it right back to you!

Being the new girl in the neighbourhood isn't easy, you know, but I'm having fun meeting people and reading other blogs. I've got a huge list (more than what's in my sidebar) of blogs I visit. Therefore, I am passing this award on to some of my favourite bloggers:

Sharon at Red Geranium Cottage - Sharon's blog makes me laugh out loud (NOT just lol, but actually, really laugh out loud). Sharon was also the very first person to comment on my blog; she has been a great source of encouragement in blogging and the Diet Challenge 2009. Cheers, Sharon!

Andrea at Welsh Quilter - Andrea always has such nice projects to share - beautiful stitchery and neat ideas that make me want to do more. Thanks for the inspiration, Andrea!

Lola at ...And Sew on - Here's another gal who is quick to share her creations and her philosophical musings. I love checking in to see what she's working on. Brava, Lola!

Autum at Creative Little Daisy - She's just so sweet! And have you seen the pictures of Bayleigh? They'll make your heart melt. Autum's blog was one of the first I started to read on a regular basis. Hugs to you, Autum!

Dawn at Gahan Girls - Dawn posts the most beautiful pictures, especially of her dog Gideon. And I love her house (from the photos, anyway). Plus, she always replies to comments. Thanks, Dawn!

Lucy at Attic 24 - I don't crochet, but Lucy sure makes me wish I did. You should see the blankets she makes! Beautiful, Lucy!

Jen at Miss Punkie Pie - Jen just makes me laugh. Her posts are witty and interesting. Not to mention that her daughter has the cutest little face!

Anna at Thimbleanna - Anna's posts are like reading a story book with interesting "characters" (see her sidebar). She is always so positive and seems to enjoy everything she does!

Choosing only 8 bloggers was really hard. Honestly, there are so many of you out there writing great stories, showing us amazing quilts and other projects, hosting giveaways, giving advice, answering questions. I blogland and all of you!

The weekend looks promising, once again. I feel so blessed to have had so much time to sew lately. At school we're in that in-between time before semester 2 starts. My marking is caught up so I'm free from having to bring home work in the evenings and on weekends. That said, I still didn't get anything done during the week. It was busy in other ways. Today, after I make the obligatory phone calls to my mum and my friend Cheryl, I will hide up in my sewing room and attempt to finish Jane Marie's baby quilt. I'm hoping to mail it out to her on Monday. No pictures to show you yet, so I'll leave you with this:

Ummm... it's a picture of my new car! (except mine is black) This is part of the reason I didn't get any quilting done this week.

Don't forget to enter my Birthday Giveaway! XO


  1. OMG..........give this away!! HAHA What a HOTT car. I love it. I too have a sporty car, blacked out windows, shiny wheels. I think I'm hot stuff when I'm in it. It keeps me young. Enjoy the ride.......

  2. OOOOOOO...nice car!!! That is one HECK of a birthday present, my friend!!! While I love my almost-new Camry (it was new when I got it in 2007), I do have to say that is ONE super-duper car you have there!

  3. WOW thank you so much Rachel. I really appreciate the award.
    Now onto that give away. Is that new car included in this??? Just askin. lolol
    LOVE IT.

  4. WOW! Happy birthday to you! Nice car! Me too. I'm flattered that you like my blog and find my posts witty and interesting. Now I'm going to have a swelled head. LOL! I will have to remember to post to my blog and pick some blogs to award.

  5. Awwww, thank you Rachel! Hugs to you too. Happy Birthday, what a nice ride you have there!!!

  6. You're such a sweetheart -- thanks for the award, and congrats on receiving it yourself! After all the award excitement I was BLINDED by that gorgeous car -- how EXCITING!!! Happy, Happy Birthday To YOU!!!

    Oh, and isn't it funny with all the blogs out there -- you've mentioned a few that I didn't know -- thanks for the links!

  7. Such kind words! Thank you so much for considering my blog worthy of an award. I accept with much appreciation.

    Have a wonderful week, Rachel!



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