
Monday, February 09, 2009

It's Loser Monday

Yikes! I forgot to weigh myself in the traditional way - bucknaked, before breakfast - and now the scale says I'm up half a pound. I'm going to take that to mean the numbers should have stayed the same. C'mon, oatmeal and tea must weigh that, right? Or is that just wishful thinking, girls?

My tree building expedition went well this weekend. I finished all the X and Y blocks and now just need to do the Z blocks (all light fabrics). Here are a few samples of the pine tree blocks:

I am well aware that some of my seams don't match perfectly. I don't care; in fact, I may have done that on purpose. hehe. For so long, I have been told that I am a perfectionist, anal-retentive, A-type personality, control freak. Therefore, I have decided to become more human and allow some little mistakes in my work. I will not rip out stitches (and my hair) unless it is a glaring error. After all, the small glitches show that the item was handmade. Right?

Yeah, yeah, I am a master of justification. But, really, I pinned the heck out of these blocks when I was sewing the pieces together. They should have matched up exactly. I love the scrappy look of this quilt. To me, it's interesting to see how all the fabrics combine. Some of them are, maybe, kind of weird to be sewn into trees, but somehow they all work together. This is definitely a stash-buster; with the exception of the borders and the outside triangles, I didn't have to buy any new fabric to make this.

I think I'm over the blue funk. I had such a great time out Saturday night. The show we saw was Three Mo' Tenors. It was fantastic! If you ever get a chance to see these fellas, you should go. Even Mr. P enjoyed himself immensely. After the show, we went to get a bite to eat and had a couple of drinks. The drink special was a blueberry margarita. How fitting. I had two. Mmmmm. Yep, I'm cured of the blues. And now, for some strange reason, craving blueberries.

While we were out, the OnlyChild decided to do some experimental cooking. She phoned me to let me know that she had used my pasta cookbook (that I've only ever made one recipe from) to create All-American Mac and Cheese. She said it was so beautiful that she had to take photos. It really was good, too; we got the leftovers yesterday morning. And wonder of wonders, she cleaned up the kitchen.

A good weekend, after all. And, listen girls, I'm done dabbling in the weight loss challenge. I commit to being more committed because if I don't do something about this tummy bulge, I will need to be committed. Remind me of this promise later in the week, would you? I need to be accountable!


  1. First, I love the cartoon...I work in a dental office. Second, your trees are great. They look pretty perfect to me, can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  2. Yup, I agree with you about the quilt creation. That's why it's called "handmade". I'm done stress over things too. Not worth it. The cartoon is awesome! That's how I felt last week. LOL.

  3. Great trees! I love the touch of blue. And a blueberry margarita??? Wow!!! I'll bet that was awesome -- I've never seen one around here!

  4. Love those trees!!! They really turned out great...

    As soon as it gets warmer I will get out and walk - and maybe I can get rid of my tummy!!!

  5. Your trees are very nice-looking. I don't stress over some mis-matched seams any longer. When you are next at a quilt show, look at the quilts...even the winners...and you will see little mistakes in all of them if you look hard enough. I can guarantee it.

  6. Love the trees. And so that's how your supposed to weigh?? BUCK NAKED before breakfast. LOLOL So that's what I'm doing wrong.
    You better get committed because we dont want to commit you.

  7. buck naked huh? that's exactly how my mom does it too, lol!

  8. Oh...forgot to ask...can your daughter come cook that yummy looking dish for us??? :)

  9. The quilt blocks are pretty. You can do the weight loss challenge. I bet you have a great week this coming week.

  10. Now that, was a masterpiece of epic porportions!(the food)

    Yes Pat, provided it is warmer in your land than here in the brisk chilled flat lands, I will make it for you!! Haha Anything to free me from this snow!


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