
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

There's not much going on here...

I've been working on my Bunny Hill February block. It's coming along and I just have the embroidery to do, which is not my forte at all. When I have some quiet time, I'll do the hand work and then I'll post a picture of the finished block. It's a really cute design (of course - it's from Bunny Hill!), but I think I liked January's design better because I love snowmen!

I also finished the pine tree blocks for my "Let it snow" quilt. I now have all 18 blocks finished - 14 dark and 4 light. Here are a couple of the light blocks. They are made using the same pattern as the dark blocks, with many different fabrics. Oops, looks like I still need to trim.

Next on the to-do list is the three appliqued skiers. I'm still pondering those. In the pattern, fabrics such as lycra are suggested. What? I think I'll just use plain old cotton. The pieces are small and picky, though, so I'm wondering what method of applique to use. I don't like to do it by hand but buttonhole stitch might be too bulky for the little bits. Can I use fusible web and do a tiny little straight stitch around each piece? Has anyone ever tried that, and did it work? I've seen it done for wall hangings, but this is a quilt that will be used and washed.

I won't have a whole lot of time to work on this project in the next couple of weeks anyway. My school has its open house March 2 and the theme this year is "The Greatest School on Earth" - a kind of circus/carnival setting. My job is costume coordinator, so I have to design, create and probably cobble together about 20 costumes for our "performers". The purpose of an open house is to sell the school to prospective students and their parents. Now, you might think only private schools do this. Nope. There is such fierce competition even among the publicly funded schools that we all have to expend a ton of energy advertising and drawing in new students. The principle of that bothers me, but I do like the fun and creativity that goes into planning the open house. We have a wonderful art teacher who comes up with these ideas and puts everything in motion. I volunteered to do costumes because they are my favourite thing to make/sew, although I doubt I'll be making any complete costumes. It's more likely we'll use what we have in the drama department and accessorize.

Here's the basket of Valentine lollipops that I made for my high school students. I think they'll get a kick out of receiving a Valentine from their teacher. I simplified the BH&G pattern found here.

It's still cold and snowy here. Oh, how I envy you gals who live in the southern parts of the continent. California is sounding really good right now! Can you send some sunshine and warm temps my way, please?
Please go over to visit Jeanne at A Bushel and a Peck. She is having the most wonderful giveaway to celebrate one year of business at her Etsy store. She has a lovely blog, too, that is definitely worth adding to your favourites!


  1. I've done fusible on tiny pieces and then did a simple straight stitch near the edge, but...those were wall-hangings. I still think it would hold....might get a bit fringy (or frayed) on the edges after a washing or two, but I think it would still settle down and be okay. Why don't you do a "test" block and see how it washes and holds up before you make a decision? Good luck with all the costuming, too. CUTE treats for your students for Valentine's Day.

  2. How fun to give valentine's to your students who are "that old". They're adorable!


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