
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Good Times

The OnlyChild and I biked over to water the garden tonight. We like to go a bit later, when it's cooler. Boy, she was in a mood though. Snitty comebacks for everything I said. It was getting a bit annoying. But I had to laugh at her because we were biking along, she was in the lead and I was moseying behind her, and I could see her butt crack because her pants were slipping down. Needless to say, she didn't appreciate my giggles.

What? You don't put on a dress when you go to visit your garden? I wore this to work today and it was so comfortable I just left it on when I got home. I made the dress last year with some inspiration from Autum at Creative Little Daisy. It's the same pattern as the brown one that I think you've seen before, but it's shorter because there wasn't enough fabric on the bolt so I took what they had. That means I can't wear it with bare legs (well, not to work anyway). I went down to the OnlyChild's room this morning, looking for her little capri tights to borrow. I really don't know why I thought I'd be able to find them in that horrendous mess. She says they ripped and went in the garbage. So, I made my own. I took an old pair of black tights, snipped off the feet and zig-zagged them on the sewing machine. Presto!

Some progress on the potatoes. Kind of a weird angle for the photo. Sorry.

Onions and peas growing well. And you can catch a peek of the OnlyChild's really cute stripey sneakers. I want a pair, too, but that would be too goofy if we matched.

Lettuce will be ready soon. See the paint stir stick that I used as a row marker? For another creative way to use paint sticks, visit Karen at Sew Many Ways. She has a neat feature called Tool Time Tuesdays.
In other news... Saturday night was my dance class get together. We went to a Lebanese restaurant. Oh the food! They just kept bringing it. I didn't take any photos of it, though; I didn't want to make you jealous haha.
We had a great time and, yes, we did dance! There was live music and a belly dancer. But before she came out, we took over the dance floor. Here is our teacher, Nada. She is so beautiful ~ such a lovely person and a wonderful dancer. She always has a smile on her face!

Here I am with Val (left) and Maryann (centre). I've been going to class with Val for SIX years, but I really didn't get to know her until the last two. She's a lot of fun!

Nada and Val. Look at those gorgeous smiles! We were all having such a great time. There were about 20 of us in the group. Unfortunately, I didn't get a group picture ~ there was just too much going on to get everyone to pose.

And Jeanette. She was very entertaining. She made people get up and dance with her. If her veil landed around your neck or shoulders, you had to get up. Nobody refused. Everytime she went by our table, I said a little prayer: "not me, please" but sure enough, the veil landed on me and I had to get up. It was hilarious! She also targeted a table of young men and every one of them went up to dance. One old guy at another table was recording us, which is a little creepy; I think he was more interested in Jeanette than anyone else dancing, of course.

We met at 9:00 pm, which is pretty late for supper. There were still people coming in at midnight to eat. Nada said that is the custom. I got home at 1 am. Yawn!

Good times...!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait until I can start classes of my own.

  2. The garden looks good, don't you get such pleasure seeing things that you planted growing?Your nite out looked like a good time was had by all

  3. Your garden looks great even with fighting the cold to get it started.

    Funny how the crack thing can bring one down from their Ivory ladder...he he DGD always has that teen chip until she walks away and I say...your crack is out.

  4. Love all the "news" and photos in this post. Is that a school in the background in the first garden photo??

  5. Your garden is looking good!! Your peas look better than mine - I think I waited too late in the season (in Va's humid weather) to plant those!!

  6. Sounds like a great time - one of those times that are so worth being tired the next day.

  7. How fun! Jeanette's outfit is Fab!
    Our garden is about as far along as yours..I am ready for it to go balistic but it is just puttering along.
    My D.D. is trying to live her summer break like she is living at a spa. She doesn't understand why it is my job to limit her TV watching and why she has to be in bed by 11pm. If I hear "M-O-T-H-E-R, I AM 16" one more time, It will not be pretty!!

  8. The garden is looking really good! Must be fun to go and check to see how your own food is growing.

    A couple of my friends have taken belly dancing classes! I have never had the opportunity!

  9. The dinner with your belly dancing friends looks so great. It was fun to read about it and see the pictures. The garden is doing well!

  10. I love the pic of you at the garden -- you look so cute! Sounds like you had a great time with your belly dancing friends!

  11. The restaurant sounds incredible. Was that me belly dancing?? Your garden looks amazing! I am jealous...I want one so badly...just haven't gotten around to planting one.

  12. Well if I will end up looking like that lasts girl, sign me up!!! lolol
    I laughed at the butt crack. That was funny.And your little outfit looked adorable with your homemade leggings. You go girl!!

  13. The only child and I .... LOL ... I'll have to remember that with mine. :)


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