
Monday, June 22, 2009

Snoozer Monday

Is this kind of twisted logic that gets us in trouble, isn't it? Well, I'm not falling for it; I'm going to the gym tonight, if it kills me.

And it probably will because I'm just so tired (hence the title of this post). What is it about the end of June that makes me want to crawl into bed at 5:00 pm? You would think, with summer vacation being just around the corner, that I'd be full of energy. I didn't even work hard today. It was just a blur.

As you know, I did the Wild Rose Herbal Detox. It's a 12-day program, but I cut it short after 10 days because I had a couple of social engagements that made it inconvenient. I weighed myself every day while on this program, just to monitor what was happening. At my lowest point, I had lost 8 lbs. I think I settled at about -6 lbs in the end, which is pretty darn good. Now the trick is to keep losing weight naturally. I've kind of messed that up already with the lunch meeting I had today. Boy, it's hard to eat well when you're out! I chose grilled seafood and it came swimming in olive oil. What is the point of grilling the seafood then?

Tonight I'll have to eat light (no worries about that ~ I'm still full) and, as I said, work out hard at the gym.

I hope to have garden pictures to show you soon. Things are growing very nicely and we've had a bit of rain in the past couple of days. I also will show you the dress I made over the weekend. I it and can't wait to wear it ~ but it's a bit fancy for work. Maybe Mr. P will take me out to dinner. (Or maybe that's not such a good idea...)

p.s. Don't forget my giveaway! I'll be drawing on June 30.


  1. Maybe there's something in the air -- I'm ready to crawl into bed by 5:00 p.m. a LOT lately! Hope you have a pick-me-up soon!

  2. I got my two walks in today and will do my physical therapy exercises before I crawl on the couch with Lucky. He is always needy after I leave him home with Daddy Mean Jeans for the weekend. You may be more tired from working out tonight, but you will feel good tomorrow! P.S. Olive oil is GOOD for you!

  3. I think the weather is making ME tired......too many clouds and too much rain and hardly ANY sunshine...hope that changes soon. Hard to be awake and in a HAPPY mood when the weather is so depressing!

  4. Congrats on losing the six pounds. Looking forward to seeing the dress ...

  5. I'm not tired. Here it's light till very late in the evening - 11 ish - and then light again shortly after 3 am. It makes me feel very wakeful.

    Well done for your 6 pounds. Hope it stays off!

  6. ugh! All we have had is rain, rain, rain. Our dock is under water at the cottage! No wonder I feel like my teeth are floating!!!!!!

  7. Finally started walking again. And lifting weights--other than that which I carry with me:( ugh! The detox sound like a great jump-start will looking into it ! Thanks for the tip!

  8. Wow Rachel -- it sounds like you had great luck with the detox. Hopefully it will stay off. If only we could eat all the cookie and cupcakes that we wanted -- I'd be a happy camper!!!


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