
Sunday, June 07, 2009


Our lovely little bird house will not attract birds. It's right by the back door and, anyway, we have a cat and two crazy dogs who scare away all winged creatures. But I think it's cute and it brightens up the back entry. I painted over one of the OnlyChild's childhood creations (with her permission, of course). Painting is definitely not one of my talents; it was an experiment.

It's lovely that, even after two weeks of being under my unproven care, my tomato plants are thriving. We will have fresh tomatoes this summer.

And look at those lovely little green zucchini sprouts. My friend Cheryl says the vines will be sooooo long. I may have to thin these out, since I planted the whole darn package in one container. Hey, what do I know? I'm a novice gardener.

At the garden plot tonight, I noticed that in addition to the lettuce, there are onions, peas, carrots and potatoes sprouting. I was worried that I wouldn't know the veggies from the weeds but a lady I met at the garden reminded me that I planted my veggies in rows and weeds don't grow in rows. So, when things really start popping up, I'll definitely know what to weed out!
Remember this tree? I was lamenting the lack of green, since Spring was so late in arriving this year. I took this picture of the lilac tree from the window of my sewing room, where I was hiding from the cold and snow in May.

This is the same tree this evening. Glorious lilacs. They were a bit late blooming this year; everyone else's bushes and trees seemed to have gorgeous, scented flowers on them about two weeks ago. We finally saw lovely purple this week.

I spent yesterday ~ all day ~ working on the BIG project for my course. It's worth 40% of the total mark, so I want to do it right. Boy, I worked hard... and I got quite a lot done, too. I thought I deserved to reward myself with some lovely sewing time. I worked on the Bunny Hill and Seasons of the Heart BOM blocks for May.

I need to do the little bit of embroidery on the butterfly's antennae, and the buttons aren't sewn down (I'll do that after I finish the quilt).

Bernice and I had a bit of a disagreement last night. She seemed to think that it was perfectly acceptable to pull the bobbin thread up to the top of the fabric while I appliqued. I kept playing with the tension, but it didn't seem to help the problem. Do you have any advice about this? I've tried different threads, different stitch lengths and widths, fiddled with the balance dial on the machine, checked the internet... I don't know what else to do.

Don't look too closely at this block. Those tiny hexagons were a pain to applique. A couple of them are not lined up perfectly. Oh well... it was late and my neck was soooo sore from sitting at the computer all day. I wonder why I thought it would be okay to sit at the sewing machine all night? Hmmmm...

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I'm proud to say that I checked off every single item on my To-Do list from Friday's post. And today I did some school work ~ for my real job, not the course I'm taking. It was quite a lovely and productive weekend!


  1. Rachel, the birdhouse looks so good! I have to disagree that painting isn't one of your talents. And I can't believe that the tomoatoes are so big all ready ... you are going to have some nice produce this summer. The lilac tree is gorgeous; it must smell so good.

    Have a great week!

  2. Rachel, I am so jealous of your Lilacs. They are my very favorite flower. I adore the smell. Our first home we planted 6, when we moved they were huge. I missed them so that we planted them across the back of the house the length of the deck. They grew nicely we moved again, here to Delaware----no lilac bushes I really should ask DH to plant me one or two Hummmmm

  3. I love your garden, bird house and beautiful tree....but the quilt squares are just as lovely. Tell me, my Bernina skips stitches when I am blanket stitching, what am I doing wrong? Your stitches look awesome.

  4. Woman, you are a perfectionist! I did look at those hexagons (hey, it's not my fault, if you tell me not to do something, you know I'm going to do it!) and they look fabulous! Your lilacs are gorgeous -- ummmm, I LOVE lilacs!!!

  5. Your hexagons are awesome. And I'm jealous that you're working on the Bunny Hill BOM. I got January's done and never picked it back up again. I've printed down the other months but I think I just got bored with it. I was hoping for instant gratification with them and I'm just not getting it.

  6. Can I come and visit your lilac tree? Oh, I love lilacs! You do know they are the state flower of New Hamsphire???

    I still have not started on the Bunny Hill BOM...I have all the patterns sitting her! I'll get to them..I'm sure.

    Glad to hear that you had a productive day on working on your course work...

    Well, I'm off to get somethings done today.

  7. You have really been a busy bee and gotten a lot done, haven't you? I have no idea what to tell you about the machine. I know a gal who says whenever she has ANY problem, the 3 things she does are: change the needle, rethread the top thread and pull the bobbin case out and put it back into the machine. She swears that fixes 95% of the problems. Other than that, I have no idea what to tell you to do. Let us know if you figure it out, okay?

  8. Maybe it needs a little oil?? Mine does that sometimes too and I have to fiddle with it but of course I don't sew as much as you do!! I love the May basket, its beautiful. Pat gives good advice i think. We have a new hummingbird feeder that is a constant source of entertainment. I love it.


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