
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Bosun was our baby. He was a silly little dog, full of fun and mischief. He loved to run in the backyard, play soccer, chase the softball and go for walks. He liked to find a sunbeam, lie down on the floor, and let the warmth pour over him while he took a nap. Bosun's favourite thing to do was to snuggle. He would curl up next to the nearest person and stay for hours cuddled up together. He loved to sleep under the bed covers, leaving his fur everywhere. Bosun made everybody happy. He was so friendly and cute. He gave big, sloppy kisses - on the face, hands, toes, wherever he could reach.

We got Bosun on December 7, 2003. I wasn't working at the time and Abby and I were lonely at home. I spent too many days staring at the puppies in the pet store. I fell in love with Bosun through the window and kept going back to visit him. Finally Mr. P bought him for me as a Christmas present. He was such an adorable ball of fur and we all loved him.

Bosun's short life ended on July 21, 2005. Early in the morning, he and Abby escaped from the back yard in search of adventure. While crossing the busy street, he was struck by a car. His little outing ended in tragedy.
We miss Bosun - his big brown eyes, his soft black ears, his polka-dotted coat, his stubby tail and his round belly. We cherish the fun times we had with him and will remember him always. Losing him hurt terribly, but our lives were enriched by his presence in our family.
We love you Bosun!


  1. What a nice post Rachel. I'm sorry for Bosun's loss. I'm sure he knew he was loved.

  2. You should write children's books....sorry for your loss.

  3. What a special post for a special part of your life. I'm glad to hear that you keep his memory alive.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. He looks like a real neat dog. I'm a dog lover too and miss all of our "furry kids" that have passed on. Jenn

  5. Hi Rachel,
    You know that I'm a HUGE animal gal...almost cryed when I read your post...
    It will be 2 months on the 30th since we had to put down our Scout...
    They sure bring joy and happiness into our lives:)
    Little 4 legged blessings :)
    Deb :)

  6. I'm so sorry you lost Bosun in such a tragic way. He sounds like a sweetie-pie. I know how you feel because I had a little dog for almost twenty years and it was so sad when she finally died-- I think I grieved for years afterward.

  7. Oh...I'm so sorry for the loss of Bosun and the tragic way in which he died, but......I know with the kind of person you are, that he was SO happy he had a home with you during his short little life.

  8. Oh...I am sorry that Bosun is no longer with you. I know how hard it is to lose a pet - they are our family...It says a lot about you - to know that you still miss him...

  9. Awwww that's so sad:( Prayers out to you on this special day!
    Love Tango

  10. Rachel,
    I'm so sorry for your lost. I know Bosun gave you such joy. I also know that he was one lucky doggie to have you and your family. I've had many dogs over the years and as you know recently lost my beloved Dewey, I still miss him but know he is in a better place now. These guys are members of our families and will are sorely missed. Thougths and prayers...Patty

  11. Rachel~Your very sweet description of Bosun was wonderful. Pets are so sweet and special in our lives. You will be able to always have those loving memories in you heart of your precious Bosun. Hugs to you...Cory Dogwood Moore

  12. Love his spirit! Thank-you for sharing him Rachel! He is reliving his favorite day-everyday now!

    love, kelee

  13. What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing! Unconditional love from a dog is so wonderful :^)

    Love the dress you made, will you show us a pic of you modelling it once it's all hemmed?

  14. Oh, what a love~bug!! It still hurts several years later, doesn't it. I have been there too. I know when I get to heaven, all my critter babies will welcome me there along with my other loved ones!!
    Thank you so much for my goodie package!! I will email you!

  15. Hugs to you Rachel on this day of remembrance. Our 'picked babes' always remain in their own special place in our hearts forever.
    Thinking of you as I have dear ones I miss too.

  16. It is obvious how special he was. I am so sorry you lost him in such a horrible way!

  17. What a sad way to lose such an important part of your family and life. A wonderful blog. Bosun is missed as much as he was loved.
    (around our house dog fur is a condiment, as the saying goes)

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss Rachel. I read your post and it made me cry. As you know we have two dogs as your post hit home as my two puppies snuggle with me on the couch. Such a nice tribute to blog about him on this day.

  19. Rachel, taking the afternoon to catch up on my blog reading and have to say that this post tugged at my heartstrings. I can imagine that when the sad day comes that we lose Gideon, the anniversary of his passing will be a day I remember until I'm long gone. Bosun left too soon and I know remembering him must be both painful and filled with wonderful memories.



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