
Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm back (and I wasn't even gone)

Thank you for all your thoughtful comments and sympathies on the loss of my 'Sew-Jo' (sewing mojo) and my creativity. Needless to say, it's been a trying few days and I did not adjust well to being creative-less.

But I think (I hope) I have good news. I think (I hope) my sew-jo is back. It didn't return of its own accord, I can tell you that. It took some coercion and (wo)manhandling to bring back my creative motivation. I had to have a very stern talk with it and remind it that my life was very dull and depressing without the ability to sew, quilt, and create.

So... as you can see, I managed to make my second little dress from the Butterick 5317 pattern. I love this 'Flights of Fancy' print! And I think this is just the cutest dress. I can't wait to wear it... but I'll have to hem it first. I was about to press the hem last night when the power went out. Again. It was off for about an hour and by the time we had electricity again, I just wanted to go to bed with a good book. How frustrating!

I didn't have time to sew at all today. I didn't even have much time to work on my course. I spent the entire afternoon with my good friend Sandi. We used to work together (until I moved to another school) and we hit it off right away, despite the fact that she is old enough to be my mother, and indeed has a daughter two years older than me. We have so much in common and share many of the same values and interests. Sandi is my travel-partner-in-crime; we went to New Orleans together a couple of years ago and next summer we are taking a group of 36 junior-high students to Italy. We are also plotting a getaway to Paris for next August (and just praying for the funds to come through).

Sandi just returned from a trip to Rwanda. She went with the Romeo Dallaire Genocide Institute. She had some amazing stories to tell about her visit, and some heart-wrenching tales, too. In case you weren't aware, Rwanda was the site of the genocide in 1994 where over 800,000 members of the Tutsi minority were slaughtered in about 100 days by the majority Hutus who were their friends, neighbours and family members. For more information, visit this site.

Although the purpose of the trip was not shopping (and certainly Rwanda is not a tourist destination), Sandi was thinking about her friends and family while she was there and made sure she picked up a little something for us.

She brought me back that beautiful little purse (just the size I like) and this wonderful piece of cloth. See that rhinoceros! Isn't it great! I wonder what I should do with it...

I had a very nice afternoon visiting with Sandi. She really is an amazing person and a good friend, and I'm lucky to have her in my life.


  1. Glad to hear that your sew-jo is back. I'm also glad to hear that you were able to spend some time with your friend.

  2. Oh my, I hope I never loose my "sew-jo". That might would be the death of me. lol So glad your friend is back safe and sound and thankful for the work she does.

  3. That dress is very sassy! Love it. What a wonderful person your friend Sandi must be!

  4. It sure is nice to have friends like that, you may not see them all the time, but when you do it's like you have been together all the time. Hope all your travels and plans work out

  5. Wow, Sandi does sound amazing. It's so sad to read about what happened in Rwanda. I'm glad you got your Sew-Jo back!

  6. Welcome back! I'm glad you were able to spend time with your friend. Many of my friends are my mother's age - strange, I guess.

  7. YAY for the sew-jo returning!!! The dress looks cute. How nice to get the gifts from Sandi, too. Keep us posted as you make your travel plans. I travel vicariously now through folks such as you. LOL

  8. Glad you were able to get your sew-jo back - the dress looks great - can't wait to see it modeled! Sounds like you and Sandi have some great trips planned - her Rwanda one must have been amazing. That whole situation over there is so sad


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