
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Rainy Day

What do you do when the weather is like this all day?

Well... you do housework and laundry. Ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Do some reading and writing for your course... and then realize with a panic that you have a paper due next Monday that you haven't even started.

Bake banana bread. Yum.

The OnlyChild likes the end pieces best. So do I, but sometimes we have to sacrifice for our children.

Hang out with the fuzzies. Poor ancient Rex Cat. He's looking particularly mangy lately. (He's 18 years old.)

And, of course, you write a Dog Haiku.

I guess I could have been sewing, but for some reason the rain brought out the practical side of me and I felt the need to get things done.

We needed this rain. It will make everything nice and green around here... and I won't have to water my garden tonight.
I just hope it's sunny tomorrow


  1. Hello Rachel!!
    I see that we will be friends...anyone who has Jack Russells...well...they are my buddy!!! I joined your follow thingy...and it will be fun to start our ATC swap...
    Love your little black dress and I'll love the middle of banana can have the ends!!
    A very LONG time ago, I took belly dancing lessons and loved it...
    Deb :)

  2. Some days you just have to clean and get those towels washed like it or not. I've been in a cleaning mode lately. I hope you get that paper done on time. What course are you taking? I hope you get sunshine too.

  3. Oh yeah, my cat is 18 years old too and looks just about as scruffy as yours. Gotta love 'em.

  4. Well...on a day like that, you also spend some time hoping you won't have a day like that tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the NEXT day!!!

  5. Some times you just have to be practical. Aren't pets wonderful. Up until February we had two dogs our oldest Dewey was 15 ... Now we only have Libby she makes me smile.

  6. Love the rainy day picture...I would love to be able to take a picture like that...maybe soon...we generally get a little rain in the summer!

  7. Sounds like a perfect day. I love rainy days for just staying in and puttering!

  8. Still sounds like a very productive day! Me - I would have laid around in my jammies all day watching TLC and eating Little Debbie snack cakes! The haiku is priceless. Jenn

  9. You've been busy! Love the dog haiku ... poor Rex, he's definately reached his golden years. The banana bread looks delicious, yum, that sounds good with a hot cup of coffee on a rainy day.

  10. You got a lot done on your rainy day! See, now when it's nice you can go play because your work is done :)

  11. Why am I never moved to be that productive? Good for you! I hope you followed it up with a creative day.

  12. I love rainy days! It's a perfect time to putter around the house. Will you share your Banana Bread recipe? It looks so good!


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