
Monday, July 06, 2009

Small Miracles

It is not a very nice day today - windy and cloudy, and the sky is heavy with rain. One must find joy in the small things on such a day.

While other bloggers are bragging about the salads they have made with their fresh produce, we 'gardeners' to your north are just now seeing promise in our crops.

Take a look at today's small miracles:

These will someday be luscious, red tomatoes. Yes, they will.
And zucchini will grow from these vines. Trust me.
Remember, our growing season didn't start until the very end of May this year. I'm a rookie gardener, so I'm really not sure how far along everything should be. The fact that I haven't killed it off yet is a sign of hope for me.

And I spent a couple of hours with my friend Patt this afternoon. She has the most beautiful back yard, with little garden spots and reading/chatting areas scattered throughout. She lent me these books, so I can dream. I have plans for my back yard, which right now belongs to two very active Jack Russell Terriers. It's time to claim back the land!
Oh, and Loser Monday...? I'm boycotting today. Sharon says she will be back next Monday to round up the troops and get everyone moving. I'm not saying I'm going to be an absolute lazy pig for a week until she puts her General boots back on. I'm just not saying anything...
Have a wonderful week. Boy, the summer already seems to be zooming by... scary!


  1. Those maters (as they say here in the south for tomatoes) are looking good so far. We've got tons off ours already. Our plants are actually dying off now. We only had 2. I'd say we got our monies worth though. Just picture me saying "maters". And I do have a strong southern accent. Just ask my in laws.

  2. Your garden is doing wonderful! Our yard is very small, so this year I'm trying to carve out some space for some veggies - won't end up with much, but next year I'm hoping for some tomatoes, zuccini, beans and peas - and maybe a few taters. I've got some herbs mixed in with my flowers. Looks like the rain has extended from the coast all the way to you today!

  3. Your garden looks very promising...I'm sure you will be very happy with the results before too much longer.

  4. Your garden looks great to me. I hate to actually put this in black and white, but we need more rain for our garden. We had nothing but rain, rain, and more rain all spring and now we could use some.

  5. I think your garden looks terrific. I haven't visited your blog for a while, LOVE the black dress! And I know what you mean, I look at blogs with their tomatoes and zuchinni, we are just starting summer in the NW!

  6. Your garden does look promising! Soon you will be posting pictures of your salad made with homegrown veggies ...

    I think you're lucky to have rain. It's so dry here in the summer, it would be wondeful to have a storm blow through.

  7. Awwww you'll have fresh salad's soon too! Your plants look nice & healthy too! Good luck with the yard, I want to do something with mine?

  8. Just hang in there..soon my lil gardening pal...soon...;-)

  9. We've been water-logged over here the last month. Our crops aren't doing so swell. We need the SUN! The rain is back today.

    And Sharon's back on the loser prowl?! Or at least will be soon? I'll have to start posting again!

  10. Your plants look great. Mine are stunted and producing gnarled little mutant veggies. I feel like such a failure. And I grew up with a family that grew/canned/froze all of its own food. I'm so ashamed.


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