
Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Neverending Dress and Other Tales of Woe

I finally finished that dress for the OnlyChild. At times, it felt like I was never going to get it done! It had buttons and a zipper and darts and a pleat in the back and a collar. And it was supposed to be an easy pattern. Ha! I say phooey on that!

But it's done... and in plenty of time for her to wear it to school on the first day. (Now watch her decide to wear something else.)

We still need to get her a little white belt. I just tied a ribbon around the waist for the photos.

I wouldn't have picked purple poppies on a white background, but then I'm not 17. She likes it, and that's all that matters.
Mr. P and I went to the garden this morning to find that it had been raided! Oh no! The thieves dug up half a row of carrots. That doesn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that they left the little carrots just lying on the ground. They were all rubbery and inedible from being out in the sun. I guess even thieves are fussy about what they eat... and these poor little carrots weren't quite ready to be harvested yet. Sigh.
I'm off to see a play tonight, "The Seven Lives of Louis Riel", with my friend Sandi and the OnlyChild. It will be a nice evening out, I'm sure! Hope your Saturday is happy too!


  1. The dress is lovely! I wish my GD Katie would wear dresses, she is almost 9 and wants no part of dresses or skirts. She is sooo cute a dainty petite blond, but boy is she a tomboy. LOL. She is very athletic, swims, soccer, baseball etc but never played with dolls, doll carriages, kitchen furniture, dishes etc. Maybe when she gets a little older??

  2. Such a sweet dress. I love the buttons up the front. I used to make tons of darling precious dresses for my daughter but she preferred jeans and a shirt! Oh well, I sure had fun sewing those dresses.

    So sorry about the carrots! Pooh!

  3. Thanks for your tips on how to do a label. I have never tried printing on fabric with my printer (it's very basic) but I may give it a go! That sounds very easy and much better than hand tracing the letters on! Thanks again! Hope I see you at my giveaway!

  4. Great dress by the way! That's nice your 17 year old will let you sew for her! Something like that would definitely intimidate me. Good job!

  5. The dress turned out great, Rachel. Sorry about the carrot crooks....*sigh*

  6. 17 and she'll wear homemade clothes! geez I can only dream my girl will let me do that! I still can now, but as a teenager.. well done mom! kudos!

  7. The dress is lovely. My granddaughters would look darling in it as I'm sure your daughter will. My girls loved the clothes I made them cause nobody else could have the same thing. And I loved every stitch that went into them. I bet you feel the same, especially for an only child.

  8. Love the dress.....what a wonderful mom...

  9. Dress is adorable...looks almost 40's style!
    Most patterns to me can be difficult as what they show in pics is not what they NEED to show but others things. I have never been good with word problems so I need all pics when I can get them.. ha! No really I have wondered who writes them and if they give them to REAL folks to try before printing!
    Oh my word..people stealing your garden food!!!! That is low.

    Hope you had a good time at the play!

  10. Cute dress! I love the purple poppies on the white background. Your daughter has good taste.

  11. Wow & yippiee you did it! It looks great!

  12. Nice dress! It sounds difficult with the darts and pleats and buttons and zippers. You did a great job! Sorry to hear about the carrot thief-- that's just plain mean. I guess you can cross bunnies off the list of suspects since they would never have left the carrots laying around :o)

    Hope you enjoyed the play.

  13. I love the fabric you used for her dress - it is sp pretty and very feminine! You are so lucky that she wants you to make clothes for her!!!

  14. I haven't commented in a while...I've missed so much! This dress is great and you've done such a beautiful job. I know she'll wear it on the first day.

  15. It's beautiful Rachel! I love it and I'm not 17 either LOL. Sorry about the carrots -- Oh No!!!

  16. What a pretty dress! I hope OnlyChild wore it to school. I'm so sorry about the garden. Some people have no respect - if indeed a person did the raiding. If not, some animals have no respect either!


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