
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where, oh where, did August go?

I can't believe it's over... August, I mean. I'm so, so sad!

I was trying to figure out where it all went so I made a calendar and added in all the days where I had something happening. The blank spaces are probably the days I slaved over 1) my final paper 2) writing learning guides or 3) the sewing machine (which can hardly be considered 'slaving'). Or maybe I just lost that day in a haze of nothing. Who knows...? What I do know is that the beginning of school is only days away and I am so NOT ready to go back to work.

Yeah, yeah... I'm getting no sympathy from all of you. Teachers have it so easy, eh?


  1. So? You're going to sleep in tomorrow? I hope you get to do that! I've been saying the same thing but more about summer in general. Where did it go?

  2. Oh, I don't think you have it easy at all! Teaching is such hard work. I admire you for doing it year after year. I taught knitting to four or five little kids for six weeks a couple times and found it SO exhausting. I can't imagine handling a classroom full of kids all day, every day, year after year.

    I hope you get some rest and relaxation this weekend.

  3. No, you have one of the hardest jobs in the whole world. I teach 17 cub scouts.....and so I feel sympathy for anyone who has more than that in their class room as I am sure you do.

  4. You have my sympathy for sure, as I am a retired teacher!! I am sorry that the summer went so fast!

  5. I just looked at the calendar and realized that it is almost over...I have no idea where it went - but, I can tell you I didn't get a lot of the stuff I wanted to accomplish done.

    Sorry you have to go back to teaching = but, I am glad that you are a teacher cause I know how much you care!

  6. Where has the WHOLE YEAR gone??? Hope you have a great last few days -- prop your feet up and have a cold one!

  7. This retired teacher knows that teaching is NOT easy...and anyone who truly believes it is easy, must be quite ignorant (in MY opinion). LOL

  8. I will admit that my teaching years were the hardest. It was a love/hate relationship. I taught Special Ed. I came home from work so tired. I bet you are a fabulous and favorite teacher! Thanks for educating our future.

  9. a teacher who has been back in the classroom since July 29.........I totally understand.

  10. I so admire you for doing this work, and I'm sorry your summer is over. I was always sad when my kids went back to school. I loved having them home with me. Thanks for caring about our kids.

  11. Where did August go?? I've been asking myself that very question. We've been back since Monday! The kids started on Tuesday and it's been the hottest days of the summer so far!! Of course our school doesn't have air conditioning. Oh yeah I'm not at all ready to be back! What's that saying...ready or not here I come!!
    Good luck with the new year.

  12. Time is just flying by - summer (and I have to say I've had a fabulous one) is very quickly disappearing, and I'm not ready yet for fall. I hope you get a chance to relax and breath before your back to school, and hope you get the best bunch of kids ever this year!

  13. I am sorry your summer has went by so fast!!!
    My whole year seems to have went lickity split !!!
    You will get back into your swing soon enough and will enjoy it.Don't you have another trip coming up in 2010??
    So did Only Child's dress come out okay??

  14. My sister is a teacher and had to go back to work today to get her room ready. I'll give ya a little sympathy...I know how very hard you guys work!!! Putting up with someone else's kids all day long is deserving of some kind of award in my book :)


  15. I was a classroom teacher for 35 years. I loved and hated this time of year. I have been out about 2 1/2 years but it is still hard to walk pass the school supplies and not buy anything!!


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