
Sunday, September 13, 2009


Unless you want to hear me complaining (again) about how busy I am at work, I really have nothing to share with you.
Or show you... I worked on my Bunny Hill September BOM block last weekend, but don't have the embroidery done. I made the cards for my ATC swap, but haven't mailed them yet so I can't show you those either.
Not much has been happening in the sewing room, other than frantic typing of tests and learning guides on the computer and even more frantic marking of assignments. I'm even at the point where I'm trying to combine my leisure activities with school work - marking while watching Glee in the OnlyChild's room Wednesday night, choosing the movie Sicko as our Saturday night entertainment because I had to preview it before I show it to my grade 12 Social Studies class, taking my marking into the porch in order to enjoy this beautiful sunny Sunday.
Arrrggghhh. Busy. In fact, I'm so buried in marking and other work right now I haven't even had time to go online to post responses for the master's course I'm taking, so that means I'll get behind in that also.
Okay, enough complaining already. I'll pop my head up for some air soon and, hopefully, will have interesting stories and exciting projects. Maybe...


  1. Oh...I recall that feeling only too well from my teaching days. I used to keep telling myself...."And this, too, shall pass"...but it rarely passed quickly enough to suit me!!!

  2. hang in there! Before you know it another year will be gone, (and you'll be wondering where did it go?) But, you will have found some time for you, too!

  3. As the weeks pass it should slow down at school. At least that is what I remember about my teaching days. Although, teachers always seem to be busy with all there is to do. Teaching was sort of this love/hate relationship. Keep a smile going and stay postiive. Getting out for a walk helps too.


  4. Well I sure do hope the week picks up for you!!! Hang in there...

    :) T

  5. Just say to yourself, that this will pass too. You are doing good, no snacks were mentioned.

  6. Hang in there i feel your pain....

  7. I'm sorry you are still so buried, Rachel. Do you have a sense of why it is busy this year? I hope things settle down soon and it becomes less overwhelming. Maybe you can watch Glee tonight without marking papers? I am going to try and watch it for the first time. Take care, Stacy

  8. Here's what kills me - so many young people these days have their dream job, and then end by saying, "if that doesn't work, I can always teach." They have NO IDEA! I only taught (high school) for two years, but they were a tough, busy, albeit rewarding two years. Keep your head above water, you can do it!


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