
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dog and Pony Show
Tonight was Meet the Teacher Night at school. What a dog and pony show that is! It's such a production, with a speech from the principal, introduction of staff members, and a wine and cheese reception to follow. We all have to attend; our jobs are on the line if we don't show up!
It's rather funny at my school, though. We have over 100 staff members and every year we outnumber the parents... by at least 4 to 1.
Yep, 100+ of us... and about 25 of them!
No parents ever seek me out during the reception. They don't need to talk to the Social Studies teacher. I just try to find a friendly colleague to hang out with so I don't look like a big loser standing by the wall alone.
Are you the type of parent who attends (or attended) Meet the Teacher Night and every Parent-Teacher interview? I want to know what you think of these events... are they worth your time? Do they make you feel more comfortable with the school? Is it different for parents whose children are in elementary school than those whose children attend high school?
p.s. The dog in the photo above reminds me so much of my Derby. He can jump that high too!


  1. Rachael I went to every meeting that I could possible go to for all 5 of my "kids" Elementary and Junior High had them every year but the High School only had it at the beginning of 10th grade as they entered the school. After that it was if teacher needed to talk they usually called. After 5 of them, between sports and all the things we belonged to, we knew the principal and teachers as well as they knew the kids. Am now doing it again as dtr and her 2 kids live with us. Brandon is in 8th and Katie 3rd. We go often as here in Delaware they encourage us to come have lunch with the kids and nice things so we know the teachers. Its a wonderful school system

  2. I always went to them AND also attended on the other side of the desk as a teacher (like you do). Teaching elementary school, the attendance was better by the parents than what it seemed to be in middle and high school. As a teacher, I used to HATE it when a parent would try to approach and discuss their child, specifically. In our system, back-to-school / meet the teacher nights were to be general with the teacher outlining her plan for the year...and NOT conferences about individual students...and some parents just didn't understand that!!! I have heard of a school recently who does the "meet the staff" night the week BEFORE school opens so parents can't ask about their individual child (as the teacher doesn't yet know their child) and I thought that idea was a good one.

  3. E is in the 3rd grade and we go to all that crap. I say crap because, it's normally the same information over and over. We also always go to the family night book fair (which is tonight). I probably would not go, but my mom pushes it so bad. She never took us as kids, and I'm sure to bring that up too. I mainly go now, cause E don't always relay information the same as it's told to him. I guess we assume high school students can relay information to parents much better and they don't feel the need to go.

  4. I was going to say your school is where I would want my kids with all those great teachers, but it sounds like you might have a bit of parent apathy. On the other hand, you're at the high school level, right? I think by that age as parents who go to all that stuff faithfully when the kids are little, we figure the kids can handle their assignments and the school will call us when the kids are in trouble LOL!

  5. Sure. Punkie is still a bit young but we went to both her P/T conferences last year for her first year of preschool. And I'll continue because my parents tortured me with meeting the teachers, I will do the same with my kid!

  6. Tyler is only in Grade 4 and I have attended all Meet the Teacher nights and Parent/Teacher interview nights. In fact, Jody usually attends too. I find them very informative. Our Meet the Teacher night is a bit of a production as well. The gymnasium part introducing everyone takes too much extra time. I'm fine to meet with Tyler's teacher and hear as a group what is expected of them for the year. The individual meetings I find helpful too. Good to know what Ty needs to work on and just to hear again what a great kid she is :)

  7. I love going to Meet the Teacher night. Mainly because I'm a full time mom working outside the home and I'd like to put a face with the name of the people that are taking care of my most precious possession 8 hours of the day. My daughter is in 3rd grade and this year her school had a Meet the Teacher picnic and it was awesome. I think just about every student and family came. It was alot of fun sitting out on the lawn eating hot dogs and listening to music while the kids could run from teacher to teacher and hang with their friends. I'm sure High school is different. Wine and cheese is a nice touch though... Jenn

  8. I, too, had to be at the open house and teacher/parent interviews, because I was a teacher. Since I was in the same elementary (K- 8) school that I taught in I was always in contact with my kids' teachers. The high school has parent/teacher conferences, but they were always the same days as they were at my school so I didn't get to go. I did meet with one of my daughter's teachers once, because I had issues with how he was handling the teaching of calculus. He was a brainiac, but not a good teacher. I liked him as a friend, though, and we had a friendly meeting. The high school has a big welcoming night for 9th graders and their parents. I went to each of those.
    As a teacher, I found that, unless we specifically notified a parent that we needed to see him/her, mostly the parents of our A+ well-behaved children were the ones who came. I wonder why their children were the successful ones? Humm........
    I really didn't like it when we had open house and a parent would want to talk about a child's progress in front of other parents. I would always tell them they needed to set up a conference time.

  9. When Tara was in school I went to all the PTA functions, meetings, whenever they had something I was was important for me to show her that I cared about her...

    Once she got into high school - they didn't have those things...

    The meetings can be interesting if they are made so - and it is nice to meet the teachers! It's a great way to say thank you for helping my child learn...

  10. Rachel, I go to each event (my son is only in 2nd grade) because I feel it is easier to go to a parent or school administrator with a problem or concern if I know who they are already. I prefer for our first meeting to not be an adversarial or high tension one. Besides, I think it is important that my child sees me and his teachers as partners in his education.

  11. I went to everything and participated in everything since I am such a believer in education. But, I must admit it was easier when my two children were in elementary school than junior and high school. Something happens in the parent/child relationship that makes it all harder. Kind of that "push away and pull back" feeling on both sides. But, it all works out and my children are the greatest, sweetest, nicest, thoughtful adults.
    Have a really fun weekend!


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