
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quilt Festival 2009

Amy at Park City Girl is hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival 2009. Here is a chance to showcase some of your work - your favourite, your first, your best quilt. There are hundreds of bloggers participating. You don't want to be left out!

Plus, there are some wonderful giveaways to go with the Festival. All you have to do is blog about a quilt, add your name to Amy's list, and leave a comment. Easy! Just click on the button above to be magically transported to Amy's blog.
Here's my contribution to Quilt Festival 2009:

This was the first big-ish quilt I ever made. It is one row shy of being twin size. Why one row shy? Well, I cut some of the pieces incorrectly and had to leave off one of the vertical rows. No worries. I never intended to put it on a bed anyway. It's the perfect size for snuggling.
I made this quilt about 8 years ago when we lived in northern Alberta. I used to get together one evening every week with a few friends and sew in the home-ec room at school. I miss having quilting buddies!
I really love the colours in this quilt. Red and yellow are two of my absolute favourite colours (green is the other - yes, like a traffic light haha). And I think the black and white just sets it off nicely. The backing has a 'racing stripe' down the middle, which became kind of my trademark (but it's really because I'm cheap and try to use up what I have by piecing my backs). The pattern was called Hometown and was from a quilting magazine, darned if I remember which one.
I quilted a flower pattern into the quilt. I think that might have been my first attempt at free-motion quilting. I remember thinking that the flower would off-set the geometric blocks. The borders were stippled, because for me that was - and still is - the easiest way to free-motion quilt.
Look at sweet AbbyDog. She still sits on the back of the couch and looks out the window. But now it's a different couch, a different window and a different view. And, thank goodness, different flooring. That blue carpet was hideous!
Okay... back to my marking. My goal is to get all the school stuff out of the way today so I can sew tomorrow and holiday Monday. Wish me luck.


  1. I love the colors as well! Very pretty.

  2. Very nice quilt....I didn't enter one in this festival...just never got around to it. I'll have to do better if she has this again in the spring. (I did do it last spring.)

  3. That is a pretty little quilt ... I really like it... the colors are nice.

  4. Hi Rachel,
    I've been out of the blogging loop...I need to catch up on reading my favorite blogs. This quilt is great...I love the colors too. So sorry to hear that it's snowing up there. Think positve, maybe if it starts early, it will end early. Have a great long weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Lovely quilt and I like how you stitched it with friends! It holds memories and love! ; )

  6. THat is a lovely quilt. I like the colours

  7. Pretty! Enjoy your (long) weekend and Happy Thanksgiving! I wish I had tomorrow off... booooooo!

  8. Hi, I'm new to your blog and thought I'd say hello! I see you have two Jack Russells, aren't they the most gorgeous dogs? We had one growing up, Jem, and she was an angel. I still think about her and her loving brown eyes. The only thing I didn't like was all the white hair that stuck to everything! Your quilt is lovely, see you again, xo

  9. I like your quilt! I'm not sure what it means to stipple, but it sounds hard :o) I don't quilt, but I love the idea of getting together with quilting buddies every week to sew.

    Hope you got your marking done so you can enjoy tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. It's beautiful Rachel! I'm still laughing at your traffic light comment!

  11. I love trademarks! I need to find one!

  12. That's a cheerful and cuddly looking quilt. I like pieced backs---I think of them as creative not just cheap!!! Thanks for sharing your quilt's story.

  13. Beautiful quilt, love the colors!

  14. What a lovely quilt. I love the colours, but then I would, I love red and yellow too and no quilt is complete without some green in it somewhere.


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