
Monday, October 12, 2009

Snowing and Sewing

It's still snowing here...

(Pictures taken today around supper time)

The awful weather gave me a good excuse to stay inside and get some things done. First, I started with marking. Considering how easily distracted I am, that job took me all day Saturday. Not to worry - I set aside Sunday for the fun stuff.
I think I've figured out why we got snow in October. I took out the Let it Snow quilt again. You might remember me complaining about the weather back here and making the connection between the snow falling and this quilt. Yep, I did it again. Out came the quilt and down came the snow. Will I ever learn?
I can only show you a peek for now. It's supposed to be a secret. (Shhh)

I played around a bit with a Moda Swanky jelly roll. Ooohhhh... love those pretty colours!

This is also supposed to be a secret.
And I did a bit of knitting.

Another little peek. It's getting close to Christmas (well, sort of...) so I can't give too much away. Full disclosure in a few weeks. Promise.

My ATC cards for October are ready to be mailed. I had a great time making this month's. The theme was "The Witching Hour." What clever person thought of that, I wonder... why, it was me! I can't post pictures of my cards until everyone has received them. More mystery...

But I can show you something Halloweeny. I made this little witch about 10 years ago and she hangs on my front door every October. I think she's kinda cute.

Today was planning day - getting everything ready for my classes tomorrow. I was supposed to do all this on Saturday, with the marking, but like I said, I'm easily distracted so the marking took me much longer than anticipated.

So, just a few more things to take care of - another border to sew on Let it Snow and backing/batting to prepare so I can pin it after school on the classroom floor - and then my day is done. It was a good weekend... and I was very happy to be reacquainted with Bernice. I missed her!


  1. Please don't send that snow THIS way, okay? Loved the little peeks you showed us and the witch IS very cute!

  2. The snow pictures are gorgeous. Snow is fascinating to me because we never get here, except for the peaks of the surrounding mountains (which is a huge treat when it occurs). I like the peeks of your craft projects and I'm curious about that knitting you're doing.

    Our first major storm is due to hit tonight around midnight, but it's just rain and not snow. I can't wait!

    I mailed my ATC's yesterday and agree that was a good theme :o)


  3. That snow does look pretty, but - yikes - I'm just not ready yet!! Well at least you got to stay in and get lots done!!!

    :) T

  4. It is so hard to believe that it is snowing again, just seems like everyone was wanting winter to be over with and here it is again? Well...I am hot and sweaty here......

    Great stuff you are the jelly rolls.

  5. Busy busy! And I can't believe you got snow too. I think Fall made its brief appearance and now Winter is going to take over. I just have that feeling.

  6. Happy Belated Thanksgiving Rachel! Maybe if you hurry and hide that quilt, the sun will come out and it will get warm again???

  7. I love the snow pictures. Is that your neighborhood. Love it! Great day to stay inside and do you own things!


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