
Saturday, November 28, 2009

15 days

Our department secretary wrote this on the board on Friday:

I think it was meant to put the fear of God into the students... especially those who are behind in their work. (I teach in a self-directed program, you may remember, so the students are responsible for their own work schedules - with some limits, of course.)
It succeeded in putting some panic into me!
This is such a busy weekend and things don't seem to be slowing down for the next three weeks either.
Last night Mr. P and I went "Christmas shopping". We didn't buy anything, really, because we don't know what to buy. Should have planned ahead.
Today is pie-making day. Every Christmas we made meat pies (beef and pork with summer savoury). Mr. P makes the filling; I make the pastry (because, apparently, I make the best pastry in the world). He's doing the meat right now so I'll be going down to the kitchen to make pastry and "build" those pies in a few minutes.
The OnlyChild wants to go to a Christmas craft sale today. She's still in bed, though (hey, it's only noon).
Tonight, the OnlyChild and I have tickets to the theatre.
Tomorrow is cleaning day. I usually try to clean Friday nights or Saturday mornings, but I'm not going to clean before pie-making. That would defeat the purpose. So, tomorrow it is...
Tomorrow is also Christmas decoration day, when I put out the hundreds of snowmen and other items for the season. The only thing we don't do is put up the tree. We'll do that in a week or two because we have a real tree.
And, of course, there is the 50lbs of marking I brought home to do. I was so productive this week (no sarcasm there - I really was!) and was rewarded by being given yet more work. I can't really complain (but I will) because it means the students are doing their work, which is what I want them to do ultimately.
So... it promises to be a fun weekend.
Oh, and you might be happy to hear that I did finish my paper and submitted it the day before it was due - so no more complaining about that one (I have another one due next Monday; you'll hear about it instead haha). Yay! I rewarded myself Thursday night with two episodes of Mad Men and knitting a hat. I will post pics of the hat soon - I need to buy a BIG button for embellishment.
I hope you're having a holly jolly weekend!


  1. sounds like you've been really busy. not sure I know what meat pie is, but you make it sound yummy. have fun at the theater...

  2. My goodness, I am tired just reading what you have been doing! You are one busy girl. I had 6 of my 10 grandkids here and it was simply great. I only see three of them a couple of times a year. They are 3 boys and their Mom owns a dance studio. 1 is 17, the other 2 are 9 and 8 and all have been dancing since they could walk. This time of year is so busy for them. Nickolas now teaches also and they go at least twice a week to the local malls to put on a show and also to all the nursing homes. They drove 7 hrs down on Wed, and had to go home early Friday. Everyone is busy, busy

  3. Wow,what a busy weekend! Putting out the Christmas decorations sounds fun and I hope you will take lots of pictures. Looking forward to seeing your knit cap. My electricity was out most of the day so I sat by the window and finished my December ATC's. Woo hoo! I will mail them on Monday.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend, Rachel. Oh, what did you see at the theatre?

  4. My Guy and I are doing the "turkey left over" dinner tonight. Yummy. We are being casual. He is eating and watching a football game on the tube and I am eating my yummy food and blogging.

    Your pies sound wonderful. Are they for a special occassion? A fmaily recipe? Just curious.

    Yipee about getting the paper in early and good luck on the next paper due.

    Have fun at the craft fair.

  5. You are busy...busy....BUSY!!! Enjoy doing your decorating tomorrow. I hope to get a serious chunk of mine done, too.

  6. wow, you do pack it in! Hope the decorations turned out beautiful, can't wait to see those pictures and your new table cover. Wish I could have one of those Christmas pies too, I love them! You must pass on the recipe.

  7. You are one busy gal and I do hope you have a fun week konw all work and no play makes a dull girl.

  8. Grading papers was sometimes very rewarding and sometimes very frustrating. The rewards came when the students did well because they listened and learned. The frustration came when the students obviously didn't have a clue as to what they were supposed to know because I had gone over and over whatever it was!


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